Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Bazgak made a great thread today, and I see it working for most sub-race requests, so I’ll link.

Plus I like Bazgak and am happy to use my “platform” to spread his word for something like this. He has great ideas. I’ll let someone more knowledgeable twist his ideas into fitting undead blood elves.

Maybe they don’t need his ideas, I’m not too sure and too lazy to think it out right now, plus I’m in the mood to spam his thread.


Yes please! We could have some Dark Rangers who stayed loyal to the Horde rather than Sylvanas, choosing to return home to Quel’thalas and take up residence in the Ghostlands, helping to fight off any errant Undead leftover in Quel’thalas, returning to the original roles they held in life rather than going down Sylvanas’s path.

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Canonically, most Dark Rangers did stay loyal to the Horde. This fact is reflected when you talk to Dark Ranger Velonara near the Embassy after watching the council form.

Bagzak always posts well thought out and interesting/good ideas. Another quality I admire in Bagzak is that he/she is always polite and civil even despite the occasional rude poster. Thank you for linking the thread for me to check out.


Why not? They gave Belf skins to Velfs so yeah let’s have those Dark Ranger options.


I’m happy for the people who wanted High Elves, but yeah… we no longer have anything that makes our race standout. No special customization (besides the yellow eyes, I think) unique to us while Velf have void options. Dark Ranger options would be a great way to make up for this.


Forever waiting news on this, I think it should be easy enough to do, and their stance on player agency just gives me such hope for it!

I for one want my character to be a fallen loyalist of the Fourth War raised by Sylvanas at some point, as a reward for loyalty! Really rooting for these options :pleading_face:


Maybe we’ll see something today about Dark Ranger customization.

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Bump Bumpity.

There’s that San’layn thread that’s been going strong for years. We could get those.


Problem is I’m worried they won’t be doing this after doing that.


That’s why we need to keep this thread going. It’ll show how much we want this and that we’re not going to give up.


People really enjoy responding to my first post here dunno why
Sorry if that seems a bit “snap-y” but this isn’t the first time someone has responded to that old post about something I’ve already addressed.

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Nothing today. :confused: Happy for the tauren, though and the Helm of Domination High Res model is awesome.

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Fem belves got some bracelets to make them look even more like princesses (which to be fair looks really good).

Tauren stuff looks great though and is more than well deserved, tauren deserve a lot more than most races. I hope orcs get at least a tiny bit of something soon, just as a tide over. I’d be fine if all we got for the next month and a half was the pre-existing Blackrock and Dragonmaw skin tones.

That said, I do still hope for dark rangers quite a bit, among plenty of other things. #ForestTrollsPlease


Hmmm I thought it was said both male and females will get access to the bracelets which is fine by me, I want to be dripping in wealth! Upper Echelon mode activate!


At the moment just females have had bracelets datamined. Bracelets aren’t confirmed, necklaces are on the alpha but untextured and currently change with skin tone (as in, they’re either pure white or jet black). Necklaces are also girls only atm ( >:( ). Males and females have both had body jewelry unconfirmed, but datamined. I imagine males will get some more jewelry but females will get more. I would make a male blood elf finally if I could deck myself out in the jewelry like the females have had dataminde though.

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I hope it transfers to both genders to be honest I want all the jewelry also, it goes with the Magister / upper echelon theme for Blood Elves. But applies to the NEs too as Highborne, or NB as well need more jewelry also.


Nightborne need so much, I’d make a second if they got some improvements and the character cap increased. I have my dark ranger on reserve at least.

Tbh, I hope jewelry for all races that get it goes both ways, at least to an extent. It makes more sense for other races than some though, like blood elves versus humans. Some leaf jewelry for night elves would be 10/10, especially if it’s in the hair. Something like bone jewelry for orcs and trolls would be great too (and for orcs, maybe something like a painted rock like Saurfang’s necklace). I hope trolls get some curly hair but I feel that’s not gonna happen, same with clan insignia tattoos for orcs. I also feel it’d be cool if all races could get a tattoo of their faction’s symbol + their racial symbol(s), but I don’t feel that’ll happen either. I’m ranting, though.

Also blizz please make the face scarring for orcs transfer over to females, orcs have equal gender roles, so if males can get scars from being warriors females should too

Either way, here’s my support for dark rangers again.


My undead BE is going to be this warlock, he is the character I care about the most. And I want the player agency to write off him having fallen in the Fourth War but being risen before Sylvanas left as Warchief, a reward for loyalty and previous successes. That is how I envision his story. So I think I would just be a Forsaken Blood Elf in all actuality.


Including this post, there are 200 posts in this thread.

Is it really a surprise people aren’t reading the whole thing before commenting?