Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

No, but it is a bit of a surprise people are replying to a three week old post that already has nine replies now.

I do, however, agree. San’layn would be my personal most wanted race after forest trolls and sethrak, and dark rangers could fall into them much better than normal blood elves. Fallynn is great and deserves more love for the megathread they made.


OP’s idea is great!

Dark Rangers found a bit of an expression in Legion’s marksman spec, with the dark minion/black arrow talent. While i’d love to see a true dark ranger class someday, currently a hunter with drain life, silence and undead pets doesn’t seem to be enough substance for a 3-spec wow class.

So take another route- since we have dark rangers operating as hunters and rogues, dressed in leather and mail, lump in the san’alayn with their plate and cloth people, give us the option to hide death knight blue eyes. Pale, red-eyed blood elves. The paladin thing may be funky, maybe monks, but otherwise all classes could work.

meanwhile we have Menethil counseling the night elves, give THEM pale skin and red eye options as well.

I think this is part of why we haven’t seen as much night elf customization options, and why blood elves are hinted to have more coming.


I thought the blood elves were hinted had more coming too. Good, I’m not crazy. I remember it being hinted somewhere, but my brain’s scrambled and I can’t remember the source.

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It would be great to see Dark Ranger skins for both factions with both Blood Elf and Night Elf skins.

This would help revamp Dark Rangers as their own group of sorts, neutral lorewise, like the Illidari, under Calias guidance and this would help set them apart from baseline Forsaken, San’layn and the rest of the Undead.

This would still leave the door open to add San’layn as their own faction down the line as it would be great to see them get some love, perhaps through the Venthyr and Kael’thas somehow.


I think the same! Oddly I’m not a “fan” of the Forsaken NEs but now that they exist there is sort of a cool story to be played along the lines of atoning / returning to your people… plus you know exactly when you fell at Darkshore or what have you I loved Delaryn so if I had a common story theme as hers as a character I think that is cool, it would finally get me to play a Night Elf lol. And it would make sure Calia doesn’t turn around and come back Horde I don’t really want her on the Horde eh.


Wish they didn’t along with most of BFA.


Yeah, Undead Night Elves were a weird direction to take, but to have them as the followers of Calia would be a much better direction than making Lightforged Undead on the Alliance.

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While Kaldorei Dark Rangers look cool, I still don’t understand why they were raised in the first place. Maybe it’ll be elaborated on in Shadowlands?


I’d love to see some way to manage the undead animation rig on the alliance side, maybe with a bit less stagger of a walk for the males?


Likely sadism on Sylvanas’s part. Also, raising enemy troops would likely go over better than her raising Sin’dorei forces, who are both her allies and people in life.

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The skinny Kul Tirans use it. There’s only skinny males but they use the female undead rig.

More troops, potentially demoralizing to the enemy, and people who know the lay of the land are all potential reasons.

Maybe that was went in to, I don’t remember. Elves are not my strongsuit for lore knowledge though, and that’s shown painfully bright a few times. Trolls are where my head is. Revantusk please Blizz, thank you on behalf of every troll fan <3


These are both very good explanations, but I hope they have more (better) plans for Delaryn and her Dark Rangers. I really liked Delaryn and hope we’ll be seeing more of her in the future.


Dropping by to once again show support, and hope Blizzard delivers on the player agency / choice vibes they talked about!!

hopefully they see this request, I see more people around the forums echo it but I hope this thread gets seen too :crossed_fingers: :pleading_face:


I hope so too. Now that you mention it, there have been a fair amount of post elsewhere supporting these options.

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Yes please! Dark rangers and san’layn! But… as just customization options not as separate races. I think we have enough races-that-should-have-just-been-customizations.

I wouldn’t mind if the “dead elf” option fell under the elves or the undead because either way, I think it would be cool. Blood Elves and Forsaken are my two favorite races of the entire game.

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Throwing my support in for dark ranger class/race/skin… whatever. Gimme playable San’layn and Dark Rangers!


Thanks for all the support guys! <3 Much love to you all.


I’m honestly so hyped for this I’m letting myself assume the best, so here’s to my continued support! I look forward to be a Forsaken Blood Elf with my Dark Ranger aesthetic vibes!


I was requesting Dark Ranger as the new hero class.

Yeah? I did that once too. Nobody thought it was going happen and I got no support. The way of customization is easiest to implement .