Customization Races: Identity and Reasonable Expectations Discussion

With Shadowlands introducing several races as customization/sub races, I felt that it was important to hold a discussion regarding what is reasonable to expect involving them in terms of worldbuilding and identity.

I type this as someone who likes story and worldbuilding in games, in particular fantasy MMORPG’s. These customization races (Wildhammers, Troll Tribes, High Elves, etc) not having an identity in-game is a worry. At the time of this post, we have not seen much in the way of how Blizzard will handle these races, let alone if they’ll have their own identity and are not just skins plopped onto parent races without a thought.

I have taken a list I previously typed in the San’layn megathread and am pasting it in here. These are all just my opinion, and acknowledge that anything I type can be debated or may not be perfect in some ways. As such, I want to open a discussion so that those who want to play as these customization races can post their own thoughts on what are reasonable expectations for these customization races. I realize that customization races are being put in as they would be easier to implement compared to putting them in as an allied race, but I feel that identity is still an important aspect to our characters.

Regarding my own thoughts, here is what I previously typed on what I feel are reasonable expectations:

Story that explains how they either joined the Horde/Alliance or become a bigger presence

Races like Wildhammer don’t need much, but races like the Troll Tribes joining the Horde need a bit more. All that is needed is a short cut scene at least that shows the reasons why they’re joining the Horde/Alliance. It can be something simple like the Wildhammer sending off their members on their gryphons across the lands to look for Sylvanas to something like Talanji rounding some Troll Tribes up to call on an agreement they had with the Zandalari to seek out Sylvanas, seeing as I’m sure Bwonsamdi isn’t going to be very happy about the stuff Sylvanas has caused.

A racial leader

Some of these do have a racial leader, such as Falstad for Wildhammer, but others that come up would need one also. Each Troll Tribe needs one and if San’layn become a customization option, then they need a leader also. They don’t need to have a huge presence, but to just be there in the game and occasionally pop up as needed in expansions adds a lot to the game, in my opinion.

A presence in the game

Another important thing for these customization races. They need to not be treated as if they’re their parent races. Sure, called all Dwarf clans dwarves and all Troll Tribes Trolls works, but they need to be something more than just their parent races cosplaying and LARPing.

They also should have story in-game. A race shouldn’t just be announced to be a customization race, plopped onto a parent race, and that’s it without any other thought of the matter. It just falls flat and does a disservice to that race. It doesn’t need to be a huge, epic event, but to have some presence in the story is fine.

For example: in a desert type area? Awesome! Get the Sand Trolls to help out the Horde in the area. Little things like that just helps with the world building.

Heritage armor and mounts

Heritage armor would be welcomed for any race customization options, but within reason, should be different than their parent race’s heritage armor.

Now, Troll Tribes could be like the Mag’har, where the heritage armor is roughly the same design with different colors or features, but would you expect a Wildhammer Dwarf to dress up as a Bronzebeard Dwarf’s heritage armor? Something like San’layn would likely have their own armor set that would be different from Blood Elves too.

As for mounts, again within reason, it would be cool to be able to get mounts meant specifically for customization races. Put them on a NPC merchant for anyone to buy if need be, but I think people would be happy to be able to have a mount specifically meant for them.

Have some of these customization races as NPC’s in some places

If some of these customization races are going to be joining the Horde/Alliance, add them to the world. Have some of the Troll Tribes hanging out in Orgrimmar, occasionally put some of them in faction quest hubs either as quest givers (with quest text of their own flair) or just hanging out in the general area.

Reasonable racials

So what do I mean by this? I don’t mean a fully revamped racial, but just some reasonable ones. Some would work fine for other races, such as making an argument for Troll Tribes having the same racials.

What I view as reasonable is something like Gilblins, assuming they become a customization race instead of having their own slot (I would prefer them as an allied race for the record), having water breathing. It’s something that would add to the character creation process to have some smaller racials like that, and while I realize that these customization options are likely meant for you to change in the barbershop, I feel that it’s reasonable to expect something with gills to be able to not drown underwater. It doesn’t need a complete racial revamp for every customization race, nor does it need to be something you have to balance around PvE and PvP, but some races would need something small like water breathing. I feel like something could be worked out where you wouldn’t feel the need to run to the barber shop to change your Goblin to a Gilblin because you need passive water breathing, but it’s the only example I can think of off the top of my head.

Another thing I’m going to add from what I typed previously involves tabards.


Likely something that may not take too much time or resources to make. This would help benefit those into transmog and role-players who would want to show off their character’s pride for their particular tribe.

So far, this is all that I’ve thought of. I again want to stress that I do not view my ideas to be perfect. I do want to hear what others think with regards to customization races and what would be reasonable to expect in terms of worldbuilding and identity.


This is a lot to consider but I agree with all that you have said here.

Indeed you go further than I myself have been advocating for with tabards and mounts and heritage, but I fully support this.

My main interests lie with Wildhammer and Gilgoblins, but I want this more than anything for all sub-race/groups being added.

I’ll come back a little later and share some racials I came up with for Wildhammer. :smiley:


I feel it’s sad that Wildhammer Clan is literally a mix into Bronzebeard Clan… Wildhammers have did so much for the Alliance.


Eh. Well their addition as a customization option doesn’t hurt that in any way. They’re under the name of “Dwarf” after all. Not “Bronzebeard.”

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It should be “Wildhammer Dwarf”, if Dark irons get that privilege so should they.


Except Dark Iron are way different to normal Dwarves. Also, they were added in the time where this idea wasn’t a thing. So no, Wildhammer don’t need to be an Allied Race. That’s a waste of time. They’ve been added in Shadowlands.

They could just add the racial title to the customisation :pleading_face:

Yeah because they totally added Bronzebeard onto “Dwarves”

They could do that too :man_shrugging:t4:

Wouldn’t really hurt anybody.

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I think that would be awesome too!, a blue stated before years ago all dwarves are from ironforge and a Bronzebeard, with the new intro it would be great to know!

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This only encompasses a tiny bit of the purpose of OP’s post I think but here goes.

Wildhammer are devalued by being the only dwarf clan of the three being just customization with no further nods to their impact.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to see them as customization, but if Blizzard could up the ante, so to speak, by adding racials, tabards, alternative heritage, a fresh new mount.

And not just to Wildhammer but to all the races they may add in as customization.

Even using it to justify new classes for those races is a nice idea.


Their impact has been felt since Cataclysm and the introduction of Dwarf Shamans. They’re just finally getting represented properly. It’s like the dark skinned Blood Elves for instance.

When standing next to DID and Regular Bronzebeard ones being their own thing? I disagree.

Most players don’t even know the differences between a Wildhammer and a Bronzebeard.

I don’t think they need to be an AR but they should have some options to make them more what they are.

I think Bagzak’s idea is a good one that can help hold up the races and groups being added like this.

Plus it gives more lore for folk to play with when making their toons.

And again, this can apply to so much more than Wildhammer.

When they stand next to each other it reads:


Dark Iron Dwarf.

Not Bronzebeard. Not Wildhammer. Dwarf.

I uh… Didn’t exactly mean literally standing next to each other. Lol

My point still stands.

Does it?

Are you against this because of just Wildhammer? What about the other races Bagzak mentions?

I only ask because you’ve had a lot to say about Wildhammer in a few threads and I’m genuinely curious.

Why would it just be a Wildhammer thing? You’re playing a “Troll.” Not a “Darkspear” specifically. The Zandalari joined the Horde recently, and in their city are neighborhoods of Amani and Sandfury.

I just don’t think this is really important.

I think this is a fair discussion to have but I don’t really have any extra expectations. When Dark Iron became an allied race I figured that the ship for Wildhammer Dwarves had sailed and I was really disappointed. Getting them as customization is more than I expected so I’m thrilled and that’s enough for me.

I will say that I’d love to be able to be called a Wildhammer Dwarf in-game but that’s just a cherry-on-top kind of thing.


I agree, there’s no reason not to put forth the idea and ask.

Of course I imagine most folk thought so. Everyone who wanted them should be happy we’re getting them as customizations and I think they are.

Ah I see. That’s fair.

I would rather put forth the idea and show support. If blizzard does then cool. If not then oh well.

I do, personally, think the Wildhammer should get some form of modification for their racials and I can see Gilgoblins (if they’re added) would be benefitted from water breathing or some such.

This could be an amazing addition to customization.