Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Pale skin and red eyes for belves

Dark Ranger as a 4th spec for hunters that is a thematic reskin of the original ranged survival.

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Undead paladins tradionally don’t make much sense, but we’ve seen them work once or twice. We’d want an explanation for it, because it could work. Though, we don’t need one, seeing as we got no explanation for void elf holy priests. We can pretend as if lorewise they don’t exist, though we could do that same thing for undead blood elf paladins. Farraki trolls being playable is another thing, too. Seemingly we’re getting no explanation for that either. Again, could easily make sense,t hough.

No, but there are times where it has, and that’s preferable to have as opposed to it not making sense, even if that is less likely to happen.

Well probably be prepared, because they haven’t said any of these new appearances will have any story attached to them. Belves gold eyes didn’t. We had to rely on interviews given to third party websites for that.


They could always do like they did with DK skins (NULL in that customizations configuration) and make them inaccessible to certain classes (such as Demon Hunter and Paladin.) But I do understand where you are coming from.

https ://i.imgur.com/zuKwDoP.png

Seems they did some work on Red-Eyes in this latest build cause those dark eye rings weren’t there before.


The same thing happened to me when I tried to use Dark Rangers options in the dressing room. I don’t know if it’s the dressing room messing up or actual work put into the eyes. I hope they are working on the red eyes but the eye glow on the weird black eyes is red and the eyes before the red ones are purple… so I think the glows got mixed up.


Hopefully we will know soon.


I hate not having TL3 so I feel you, just got it yesterday.


Thanks, now people can see.


It should be simple enough, yeah!

The options are already there, they just need to make them available for players. Both the skin and eye option used by the Dark ranger units.

Heck, they even added the red eyes into the new batch of revamped eyes!

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I’m honestly so excited at the idea of Undead BE customization :hugs: :heart_eyes: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It’s what I want most from the new customization features!! Hope Blizzard sees there is support for it!


I really hope Blizz sees this like they do every other Elf thread and throws us a bone. I’d much appreciate it.


Even though I asking for the most basic customization options available for Dark Rangers, an ashen blue skintone and a couple damaged undead skintones would be great along with the tear markings and tattoos.


The blue ring looks a bit out of place, like it was meant for other eyes. It looks like electric blue eyeliner on my mage, lol. Very 80s.


Ugh, seeing that picture makes me want San’layn even more than i already did. The Venthyr stuff would look so sick on a San’layn.


Same here! I want both San’layn and Dark Ranger looks.


Yeah, me too. Id be so happy if either one of those became player options.


Me too. I’d be so full of joy.


Bump? Bumpity?

Bumpity bump?

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