[Customization - Race] High Elf Race, Customization & In-Game Architecture

Bal’a dash!

Belore has blessed me with additional, unexpected time on the Council! :sunny: I am not sure how long this will be for, but I wish to bring other threads to the attention of fellow Alliance high elf advocates.

High Elf Threads in the Community Council Subforum
[Customization - Race] High Elf Race, Customization & In-Game Architecture - Primary high elf thread on the Community Council subforum! You are currently here. :round_pushpin:

I hope you will give each a read should you feel compelled by the topic! Each is tied into this master thread for the (non-voidy) Alliance Quel’dorei on the Community Council subforum.

Shorel’aran! :woman_elf: Wishing you a happy summer!!!