Customer Service

I never did that but I recommend you to try opening a ticket at least once, they always reply the ticket like a true Azerothian and it’s fun to read.

I may see the reason.


Both sides are partially right.
CS shouldn’t act dismissive if they can’t help, empathy is part of the profile.
OP shouldn’t act like a Karen once he’s been told it can’t be done.

I’m pretty sure the first 5 times that OP sent a ticket they weren’t dismissive about it. They most likely genuinely tried helping him out.
In fact I’d love to see OP post the logs.

how would that be something which a GM would know?
GMs don’t create the policies.

tweet a dev or something

how many different ways can they say no?

what the op was asking, may as well have been “what’s the answer to question 5 on my geometry test”

…not something which they should have been wasting the time of GMs for.
(especially not to the tune of 8 tickets)

OP is a Karen.

Post the logs. I dare you, let’s see how you handle CS.


Keep daring me, I am sure I will fall into your peer pressure

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Right. You just don’t want us to see you being a sad child insulting CS over a title.

Except. That’s not their job.

Game Masters are not Developers. They cannot change game design or otherwise circumvent intended design, nor go beyond the policies that are in place to ensure everyone has a fair playing experience.

Game Masters are not able to resolve potential bugs in-game, though they are sometimes able to help with issues caused by a bug.

In Blue Text, right there. Game Masters are not the people who investigate problems. If you have something that may be a bug. You put in a bug report. It goes to QA. QA looks at the bug report, tries to reproduce it. If they can reproduce it, they then go to Dev and ask if it’s intended. If not intended, they prioritize it based on impact and toss it in the pile of bugs to be fixed. If it’s intended, it gets filed as NAB and tossed out the window and they move on to the next report. If they can’t reproduce it, it gets marked as CNR, can not reproduce, and put on a shelf until they get more reports or data that would indicate there is a significant problem and it needs to be investigated in more detail, or a critical piece of information is found that wasn’t in the original bug report.

In this case. It’s a faction specific title. Which means it not carrying over with a Faction Change is not a bug. It’s working as intended. Thus nothing to fix. Thus, OP needs to get over being a traitor to their faction, because Support is not going to circumvent the design intent of the game.


it’s NOT an issue.

it’s only an issue, because you don’t want it to work the way it does.

GMs know it’s policy… what more do they need to know?

GMs are meant to help people with ingame issues.
…they’re not there to answer questions you have about development decisions.


The only mistake CS has done was giving you a warning and not a straight ban.


Say it some more so you get that out of your system.

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it’s not an issue at all.

it’s just a thing you don’t like.

Guys, you keep replying to it like its a person. Just stop.




i’m gonna go to bed.

Finally :smiley:



Did a faction change and lost this title, as of 8.1.5."

I still have the feat of strength showing as completed, but the character that completed it has now lost the title. This is probably working as intended, unless someone can confirm otherwise."

Seems like this has been the norm for awhile.
its not a GM issue thus why you are getting no response
continuing to spam them will only result in action against your account I would think

If you pooped on any other part of your body, would you just wipe it until you thought it was clean?

did this just turn into a TP thread?