Customer Service

No. Not at all. lmao. They still couldn’t just give him the title.

Surely it should be super easy for OP to go get the titles, horde is OP anyway, right?


what a laugh. Stop making up crap EXCUSES for PATHETIC customer service. you sound like a bliz rep, lol

I deal with GOOD companies…and bad.
I know the difference, even if you do not.

My mistake for not reading every single comment in this thread. The OP needs to update his original post including that information most people just read the OP and reply. Especially if it’s a super long thread


I like you.

Maybe Blizzard should make a special title for faction changers, something like “The Traitor”


I like you too we can cuddle but just don’t get too close my beard my burn you

Make it so that’s the only title they can ever use, ever.

I’ll just not use flame shock or lava burst.

Well the good thing is most likely in next expansion i’ve heard news of a new system coming to place that will assist with tickets, there will be option for “Eye of Corruption 24/7” which when you click, an eyeball will appear on your screen and from there u get live chat n can discuss situations

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Oh man, as much as I love that they would never do that because then people would feel like they would HAVE to transfer one character just to have it in the collection.

Still, I would love that title XD I would wear it all the time.

Starting with your end.

You’re just like everyone else. Congrats.

Apparently, you don’t. Given how you still can’t figure out why you still have a title problem, but instead of going to the right dept, you’re yelling at everyone here, because we don’t sympathize with you.

Not only will I suggest you go to the proper dept for issues, but that you also grow TF up.

Take your own advice…
you have the correct answer…

I deal with GOOD companies…and bad.
I know the difference, even if you do not.

now bother someone else with your joke excuses for pathetic CS.


What a child.

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99% of companies I interact with want to make sure it’s not something on the user’s side first, as that tends to be the case for most situations. If everything on the user’s end seems okay, then they start looking inside.

User error is sadly a common tragedy, but it’s better that than something being wrong infrastructure wise, as the former is a lot easier to fix.

I’m almost certain that you’re the OP on a new character, so I’m just gonna suggest you chill a bit? You can discuss how you feel customer service should be done, but you don’t have to be so aggressive about it.


Not my problem if your standards for CS are SUB standard.

CS is pathetic because they can’t do something that’s already outlined as a policy for them that they are not able to do such a thing because of programming reasons? Amazing.


Don’t even bother with this thread. The op is acting like a child and is badly trolling.

yeah…thats NOT how Blizzard behaves, however.
They INSIST that its on YOUR end until they have 1000 other players or even employees having the problem then they MIGHT actually admit its on their end.
Been thru it a number of times with them…the SAME garbage CS every time…and EVERY TIME so far its been on THEIR end…them denying for days and days until proven otherwise by their own people.

GOOD customer service reps investigate BEFORE assuming its a you problem and insulting your intelligence in the process.

I think Ive made it VERY clear what Im talking about.
Take something else out of context for your straw man, why dont you.

I wasn’t expecting a fix. I was expecting an actual reason behind the issue itself.

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I’m sorry that you can’t stick to the topic at hand.
Here, read this.

“This title is character and faction specific. If you buy a Faction Change for your character, the Feat of Strength may convert to the new faction, but the title won’t. This is intended.”

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