[CS Lounge] Winter Veil Cheer - Cozy Up with Hot Cocoa

When I got home from the hospital following my surgery, I encouraged people stopping by other than our kids/grandkids to help with the isolation. We normally don’t have many folks over either.

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Good morning all! Happy Saturday. Fishing Quest day in Retail which I will probably forget, yet AGAIN. Even though I know about it right this second.

The weather models still can’t decide how much snow we might get in the Mid-Atlantic. I will just have to remember to go get my snow shovel out of the garage this weekend and charge the batteries for the leaf/snow blower.

/*Tidies the lounge, puts out hot vats of fresh coffee, hot water, cocoa, creamers and toppings. On the food buffet - sets out iced cinnamon buns, blueberry muffins, and breakfast sandwich fixings. There is a separate packet of bacon labeled “the fox”. *

I have to try to remember that my extra Anniversary tokens can be converted to REP with obscure factions and go spend those on my main the event ends. I know I have a few that are not capped.


Mornin’ everyone.

It’s a cold, blustery day here; temps in the teens, winds in the teens. And a little snow. They’ve been getting quite a bit of lake effect stuff to the northwest of me, which should help with tourist (snowmobile riders, skiing, etc.). Hopefully it stays cold for the next couple of weeks for Tip Up Town - it’s an annual (this year is the 75th) ice fishing event that’s kind of evolved over the years into a winter festival.

And now, I’ll be grabbing some more coffee and curling up under a blanket. Brrrr…


Grabs a cup of coffee.

I haven’t even checked out the Trading Post yet this month.
I love getting the mounts so I hope they have a couple good ones this month.
Last month I couldn’t resist that witch outfit for one of my Warlocks.

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Lay out plate of baked goods. There’s going to be some cleaning up for the blues today.

Hope all have a nice weekend.


Today’s shopping’s going to be…not so fun. This medication is really ramping up the edema in my left leg. Even with 30 mmHg compression socks my left leg looks like a chicken thigh. WTB treatments that aren’t worse than whatever it is I actually have going on.


I hate walking in public in general. I have flat feet and am chronically incapable of walking like a normal person. And on top of that, I’m six and a half feet tall so I have to find shoes big enough for me that also have support.

One of my legs can’t straighten out all the way, so unless I concentrate or I’m using something like a cart as a walker or my cane, I have a bounce in my gait. It’s less prominent now than when I was a child since I’m fully grown, but it never fully went away. Being disabled sucks.

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Offers tequila shots get the feeling u need it. Hope you dont mind me referencing u about the live chat not coming back in the forseeable future.

I do not. I know it’s something a lot of us want to return, but it just hasn’t been in the cards. I don’t want to set any false expectations.


It was a sad day when the live chat was taken away. It was the start of me really looking hard at if I wanted to continue to play or not. Doing everything by email, which takes infinitely longer.


In-game live chat got taken away?

Gms rarely talk in game anymore

Long ago they shifted to a policy where they handle things by ticket, not one on one conversations for everything. Last I saw one was Warlords of Draenor.

Most issues players have can be solved with the GM tools that have been given to players, or the GM can handle it via ticket without chatting about it. Chatting with every player meant tickets took way way way too long and the queue was weeks. It was insane. They went for the time saving option :confused:

People PREFER to have real humans though so that really impacts satisfaction. Faster is not always better.

That is the current status anyway. They very very rarely contact someone in-game. Only if they need to and the person is on.


Is right. I still remember when I was around thirteen years old and a GM talked with me in-game for about 20 minutes because I mentioned my interest in working at blizzard when I grew up, and this was after they already resolved my issue. Now I’m sad : /

I had one in BFA or Shadowland. Trying to access a Blacksmithing quest giver in Stormwind Harbor and they were missing. I had multiple phasing happening at the same time. I had to do three or four opening questlines in a specific order to get the NPC to show. They needed to talk to me for approval to complete a bugged quest for me (known issue and one of the few quests a GM can “fix” for you).

WOD for me then one back in MOP i hate to say i gimmicked the ticket to get a response i couldnt figure out why even tho garrona was a folower she wasnt in my garrison aparpently it was designed that way. MOP there was a bugged quest in kun li where a troll was phasing in and out for a quest.

Hope you all having a great night!

Finally reached 43,000 Achievement Points in-game tonight! Huge milestone for me! Time to start the grind to 44,000 Points in-game! :smiley:


Yay! That is all. :slight_smile:

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