Queen movie was sold out! D: But instead I saw Green book, was really good! I loved it:) I got total warhammer 2 on steam (With the blood and gore DLC) can’t wait to play it! ;D I started leveling a random human fury/prot warrior (prot for dungeons fury for pvp) its been a ton of fun:) Im trying not to use heirlooms in pvp but generating rage has been so hard >.> But for PVE im only using crafted/questing gear ;D I wanna twink at 60 and get pvp gear:).
It would be cool if blizzard fixed like motlen core just for fun, making it at least a 10 man raid group for twinks >.>
I hope when we approach classics release I see that Molten core shirt Ion had on in blizzcon on there! And the hellscream camp t shirt the lead dev of W3 remaster had on:) ALSO DON’T FORGET GUYS MEATWAGON IS COMING!! EEK! ;D
I’ve done that with two. Try coming home after major surgery to No One. Having to take an Uber to the surgery and then Hospital transport home. Then having to go out on your own to fill your medication prescriptions. And then taking care of yourself through recovery. Or having a family member drop you off after another surgery. And never checking on you again. And having to call the emergency number because of issues that you’re having. And once again having to take yourself out to get prescriptions filled. I’m done with surgeries. I’ll die next time
You’ll get 200 Timewalking badges for logging in so you should be able to afford it. Your alt characters will also get a similar reward if you need/want the other vendor items.
Hmmmm, what I need at this point is a way to see all the post I have “Tracking”. Early on, I set one forum to default to that, and even though I changed that forum I have to wait for each thread to pop a notification if someone posts before I can switch it. YES, I’m anti-notification for the most part.
Been there, done that, on the surgery and coming home alone to no one. Rode a train to SF, had surgery on one eye (corneal implants, an alternative to lasic but I was part of trials at the time), rode train back, walked home and then realized I didn’t get the scrips filled yet. Did that twice, as they only did one eye at a time.
Gonna give dark souls 1 another go. Last year I set on the mission to complete dark souls 3 (and the dlc) the main game took me 1 month of 48 hours /played to complete all the bosses and optional ones. The dlc took me about >.> <.< 4 months. Was that dumb optional dragon in ringed city he’s hard as a rock I swear! You have to have 0.5 reaction time to everything, it’s like oynxia on crack and your by yourself ina giant dragon den. And even before him theirs a ladder boss you know how many times I forgot to grab the ladder and fell to my death?!?!?!
On dark souls 1 I past the gargoyles rung the bell, found the old demon king or whatever he keeps killing me before I can even move through the door tho not sure if bugged or I’m bad >.> it’s like I do the walking animation to enter and his machete is like SLAM SLAM! QQ
But I went to the catacombs and found my boi pinwheel, he’s not that hard just annoying for melee >.> but getting to him takes parkour. And now there’s another path I could take, but pinwheel seems really easy to down compared to the demon guy with his giant dogs and machete WOO!!!