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Thank you!!:slight_smile: OOPS Sorry this is Ughash idk why my alt is posting I never chose him O.o let me see if I can fix this


There we go!! :smiley: NO MORE ULDUAR FOR THIS GUY!!! Hate that place so much now QQ >.> still need the drakes from the nexus tho :open_mouth:


Congrats! That’s a super rare mount :slight_smile:


anyone else look at the replying indication on posts … and wonder are they actually typing up a reply or just typing random characters into the reply box to make themselves appear in the replying section ?

Happy turkey-lurkey day to our neighbors to the south!



Happy turkey day to all.


To all my American brethren, happy Thanksgiving.

To our neighbors to the north, happy watch us post about Thanksgiving like we watched last month.

To everyone else… Happy Thursday.


Turky and extra legs are on the smoker, getting ready to wrap bacon around asparagus

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Happy Thanksgiving one and all



Happy Turkey day all! Solo here with the kitties. WIll be roasting a chicken for myself and making the usual sides. Keeping it simple though. I prefer fresh steamed veggies vs stuff covered in marshmallows and sauces.



I went solo also. I had mine yesterday as I supposed to work tonight. Turned down 2 invitations because I was supposed to work tonight. Now I don’t have to work tonight…

I did a roasted turkey breast, traditional green bean casserole ( I love that), scalloped potatoes with parmesan, riced cauliflower with mixed veggies in a maple vinaigrette ( needed more red beans. Very sweet) and jellied cranberry sauce. Then a store bought ( Sam’s Club. It’s HUGE) pumpkin pie.

I’ll be eating leftover for a week.

Who wants pie? This thing is enormous.

Happy Thanksgiving! I have my family dinner dessert offering in the oven. I’m really glad I don’t have to cook a full dinner this year as I have surgery tomorrow. I’m nervous so I didn’t sleep well last night and I’m tired today.

On the upside, if I can’t sleep again tonight, I’ll sleep tomorrow for sure. :grin:


Happy Thanksgiving, American friends! I had my dinner yesterday because I work today. It turned out quite well, after the fiasco where we found out Mom accidentally set the oven to broil instead of bake… Oops.

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can I ask what type of surgery?

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Sure. It’s a biopsy surgery. They found something on the imaging this year but cannot tell exactly what it is. My doctor is pretty sure it’s nothing bad but wants to be sure, as do I.

Edited to add that it’s an outpatient surgery nothing too invasive.


Good juju sent your way. I hope it’s benign. I hope it all goes well.


Good luck, Aryalanthu! Hope it goes well and comes back to confirm your doctors suspicions of nothingness.

For those of you partaking in today’s holiday in the US, enjoy! I’m thankful for you all :slight_smile:

And also food…
:turkey: :turkey: :monkey_face: :turkey: :turkey:

Awwwyea! :drooling_face:


/shoves pie at kalviery

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Turkey legs, cornbread, mac & cheese, some type of veggie, and whipped cream with pumpkin pie on the menu.

Sadly no cranberry sauce - Squiddo doesn’t like it, and I can’t eat an entire tin by meself.

/noms things

/snuggles TW

/noms Kal


Thank you both. I appreciate it. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

Me, too! ~holds out plate~ I love pie and it’s three hours until dinner.

I forgot to say please. Sorry. :frowning:

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