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Morning folks! Hope you had an excellent weekend :slight_smile:

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Sitting in the waiting room of the Dr with my youngest. He developed a nasty cough over the weekend. Due to the wet sounding nature of it, and his brother having a cough like this about 4 years ago thst was actually walking pneumonia, figured better safe than sorry.

After that off to his optometrist to see if they can fix his glasses. Apparently getting a headbutt by a hyper active 90 pound black lab is not good for the temple piece haha.

Edit: Turns out just a nasty head cold. But still better. To let a professional say that as opposed to us I suppose. And his optometrist thinks they can repair his glasses. We shall see

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Ewwww, nooooooo! I use sugar rather than caffeine, so hot chocolate is my wake-up of choice.

:broken_heart: My brother saw news about the HotS devs. Having the one Blizzard game I currently play be the one they decide to pull resources out of hurts. And I’m already not seeing myself playing WOW: Classic for months, maybe even a year. :cry:

WHAM!!! owww, oww, owww

ordered a $90 Neoprene game mat and the company sent me a model kit that costs $24. :frowning_face: Got it sorted out, but I wish I could keep the kit as it’s kinda neat looking, but I have to send it back.

Gonna be leaving soon. Got tickets to see the Peter jackson film about WW1, with all the restored footage.

And Update. His glasses are fixed. They had a replacement piece laying around. Since he did not break the actual frame, just the earpiece, they simply screwed a new one in. No cost. Great place.

Just got hit with the toon switch thing I read about a few days ago. I had to log back into the forums, and when I did it used the toon I was just on. I noticed it real fast though.

Kind of meandering around in game. My DH is at the point I want to tank some dungeons, but don’t feel I am geared enough to do it, not even Heroic ones at 311. I love my Shaman, but just bleh playstyle right now. And my mage is so different from the melee i have played for the last 2 plus years there is a steep learning curve involved still. I mean I do decent on him, but I know it can be a lot better. Decisions decisions.

London was a beast… tanking around, harpooning other cities! I didn’t know it was about WW1 though :upside_down_face:


Wrong Movie :slight_smile:

This one is called: They Shall Not Grow Old

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Oh well fine, be weird like that! :sweat_smile: (I kid, I kid!)

Hubs came home today. He is currently sitting in his recliner trying to 1. remember the controls for AC:Odyssey, and 2. not to fall asleep.


Did he succeed at either?

I was on Discord with two brothers and a sister-in-law last night and made some comment about how I knew I was weird sometimes … then paused and said, yeah, actually that should be most of the time. Because the weirdest thing I could ever be is normal.

Christmas shopping is done this year.

Celebrating by eating a steak burrito.


Normal is an illusion.
What is normal for the spider, is chaos for the fly.
-Morticia Addams


I have lost TW across devices.


Perl lost her shadow too the other day :frowning: I haven’t tried logging back into her yet…maybe tonight.

So my daughter turned 5 this weekend. My wife had setup a whole party for her at a dance studio including a cake, princess dance and a lot of play. As the party got closer, my wife got sicker. So it was up to me to make it all happen. Needless to say, I’m now an excellent dancer (sarcasm) and the best dad in the world…not sarcasm :wink:

Now to finish getting ready for Christmas!!


A post was split to a new topic: Where do I provide feedback?

Ooh, another bit of how these forums work. Splits as well as merges (and notifications for my own little bit of :smile:)


I frequently find myself wondering exactly how many threads I miss due to them being moved to a more appropriate forum.

Used to be the original thread would stay in the source forum with just an icon indicating it had been moved.

Now the mods can safely move it and hide the bodies to leave no one any wiser for it. :stuck_out_tongue:


It is a little different, though the OP is informed about the move. :slight_smile: