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I love Trust Level 2.

No more seeing the YOU’VELIKEDTOOMANYTIMESMANSLOWDOWN message. :smile_cat:

I will chime in on this. I am aware of a thread like this, but perhaps not the thread you are talking about.

My opinion for what it is worth is allow the forum moderators to sort it out. I am hoping this new forum and reporting can help change the culture of the posters over there. I was one of them, though not nearly to the degree that I see. I try to be civil but would fly off the handle at times as well.

I am hoping knowing that mods are watching, and actively taking action will help. Once can hope at least.

Grats on that! And it’s good to hear that things are being handled. People seem to have issues if there’s seemingly too much or too little attention with moderation.

It’s been a chill day so far. I’m determined to get my cat a bed, since she seems to otherwise sit on the floor. She deserves to be treated like a queen. A kitty queen.

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Our cat has a bed. It is called anywhere she pleases in the house. Usually my pillow :cat::bed:


My fun plan for the weekend is called, “I just bought a new Apple TV and I’m probably going to watch one or two shows and then go have a nap”.

/leftover pizza for breakfast/dinner


Oh yeah. That’s why I don’t go to General.



It’s a little after 10 my time I just got done eating a huge enormous very heavy very delicious very cheesy omelet for breakfast about an hour ago… And then my friend calls me and wants me to meet him for lunch at 1. Guess I’ll be having a salad?

This was my last breakfast dinner . Or whatever it it is third shifters have after work.


I haven’t been keeping up. Have they implemented and ignore feature yet?

Cold pizza and warm beer, the breakfast of college students!

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Not yet unfortunately :frowning:

That omelet sounded good! I did fried ham and eggs on a toasted bagel. It was yummy!

In other news, we picked up the minivan this week and I’m already in love with it. There’s so much room. Even the third row is comfortable! Looking forward to some longer trips with it :palm_tree::sunrise:

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I dislike watching cable or anything that includes commercials, it’s the main reason I purchased a Roku, I watch Netflix whenever I get bored, I LOVED Babylon 5 and Farscape, couldn’t get into Red dwarf though…I liked the Dollhouse but never really got into Alias…there is so much else to do in life besides watch TV, but when winter hits here everything stops so you find less active things to do. haha

Well, it’s not like most of them are there to learn anyway.

Today is lagging along. I am pinging around 300 at work :tired_face: At least I am in the home stretch. About 5 hours to go. Then I can go home pass out and do it all over tomorrow haha. But not short. And that is what makes tomorrow better to begin with.

What a day already!

On the plus side, my cat loves the bed already. I caught her sleeping in it when I got up this morning.


Still cannot access T W on the tablet.

But I can on my phone and PC

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As counter intuitive as it seems (even to myself when I think about it) I have even less time for TV and games and such now that I’m retired. I guess because I’m old and invested in a different reality, I tend to read a lot rather than watch. Mostly on Kindle, not hard copy, but still text.

So I’ve read each of the “Song of Ice and Fire” novels as they’ve been published but I’ve yet to see any of the “Game of Thrones” videos. I usually alternate between Sci-Fi and non-fiction history, currently reading a history of India (the John Keay volume should you care).

Between renovations and restorations on our house (about 117 years old now (the house not me)), following news and current events (on multiple sources because they’re all biased anymore; and as a veteran from a multi-generational Army family), PvP and quests in World of Warcraft, grandchildren, and my reading I have almost no free time remaining.

Thus it is that I have cut the cable, and buy Dr Who on DVD as it becomes available, and see almost nothing else of current trending entertainment.

I do, however, have very fond memories of Farscape, Firefly, Serenity, the first two seasons of Red Dwarf, as well as Babylon 5, ( if you’re into StareTrek and Babylon 5, and like parody, perhaps look for star_wreck_in_the_pirkinning_subtitled_xvid.avi to download). All of these I have on Blu-ray disc.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to language. https://us.battle.net/forums/en/code-of-conduct/

RIP will be missed
