[CS Lounge] - Welcome to our new home

That’s some tough love, right there. :smirk:

Papa :wolf: – hope it gets better for you :hugs:

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I just clicked the first two emoji hahaha


Almost forgot to order my Jujube bag from the sale.

Happy Friday!!! :partying_face: Who’s got fun weekend plans? I’ll be doing lots of house/yard decorating & peppermint-mocha-latte drinking.


My son-in-law watches Dr. Who on Amazon Prime, but I’ve never really gotten into it since I moved to an area with a dead zone (no cell service only satellite service) ~gasps~ who doesn’t watch the walking dead now that it’s on Netflix!

I’m planning on cleaning, baking, decorating and finding some time to take nature photographs. !excited!

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Nothing special, though I have a few more episodes of ReZero to watch with my brother. I’ll probably get back into the experimental A17 build of 7dtd and see if I find any more bugs.

I actually don’t watch TV series much at all; not since a time when Netflix was DvDs in red envelopes and I was rewatching a number of SciFi series (Babylon 5, Red Dwarf, Farscape). The last I remember watching was Alias which got weird in later seasons.

I should probably consider getting a movie streaming sub again, now that my local theater’s bag policy put the kibosh on me going to opening night movies (or any movies, for that matter). I haven’t watched anything since Deadpool 2.

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Nice!!:slight_smile: I’m taking my mum out to dinner tonight ;D

At work today one of the kids at recess was laying in the tube and sat up really quick smacking his big front tooth on the tube and shattered his tooth, so far the worse thing to happen this year >.> they put the piece of tooth in milk and something else in the baggie to help save it before he goes to the dentist later today. He’s a good kid, we always talk about WWE whenever theirs free time for him.

Have a Good Friday all!:slight_smile:

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My son slipped in the bathtub when he was taking a shower with his brother when he was 3. Chipped his front two teeth. They wound up capping then.
Edit to change calling to capping to make that sentence make a whole lot more sense. Auto correct strikes again.

Then about a year and a half later he was eating a tootsie roll and pulled one of the caps off. Then smacked his jaw climbing a bookshelf. The tooth became infected and we had to have oral surgery to pull it. Told the doc just to pull the other as well so we did not have to worry about this again. Luckily, those two teeth have nothing to do with alignment and placing of his permanent teeth.


alt+13 ♪ and alt+14 ♫



What a delightful bit of news. The more you know! ♫

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Haha, cool, though I like the combination I came up with after that of :open_mouth: :notes:. I usually get into the alt-codes more for things like Gavilán (a paladin I have, the name meaning sparrowhawk).

Well, got paid today. Gonna be a tight month, at least I got a new TV!

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Just because…
The Light of Dawn

Welcome home. There is something about sleeping in your own bed haha.


Not gonna lie, not a huge fan of the flagging system on these forums. Seems like a moderator isn’t prompted to take a look unless more than one report comes in, which seems like it can allow some pretty negative things to persist longer than they should. :S


I am curious the time difference between flagging a post and reporting a post on the old forums is. Could be, flagging is more efficient, we just don’t see it. Or it could be it is horrid compared to the old.

These kinds of things intrigue me to think about.

I’m pretty sure that there are two separate systems at play (and an SFA is welcome to correct me :wink: )

Flagging a post for review I believe works the same way as before. A single flag will result in an SFA or Mod (depending on location of the post) to review it and determine if the post requires moderation etc.

Once a threshold of flags are received on a specific post, that post becomes hidden (still flagged) and if people want to see the post, they can click to do so.

Lastly, once a thread has received a certain number of flags in total (among all the posts), it becomes locked for moderation. Meaning that it’s locked to prevent any further discussion or degradation of the thread.

What I do know, is that the back-end reporting is superior to the old forums. So moderation is easier and from what I’ve seen, quicker too.

I hope that helps!

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I hope this is true!

There’s an ongoing thread over in the GD forums where there are people who think that the moderation is a little out of hand or biased. While I won’t comment on whether or not it’s out of hand or biased, I think that it shows that despite the content, if it’s not appropriate for the forums and it’s being reported, then it’s being handled per the CoC for the forums.

That’s just my opinion :wink:

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