[CS Lounge] - Welcome to our new home

Since my surgery, I have been watching quite a bit of Netflix and Hulu. I would really like Hulu to have a streaming quality setting that stays put every session like Netflix does. At least, it isn’t defaulting to High every episode like it used to as sometimes I like to start a show to fall asleep to and that became hard on my data.

I’m hoping I start feeling less tired and achy this coming week and get back to normal.

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We are too. Here is to a fast and easy recovery

Fighting a toothache, and my dental plan doesn’t go into effect til January.

Recovery seems like forever but in the long run, in retrospect, it’s worth every century (if only our “now” could be as good as our retrospections)!

The worst that can happen is a new “normal”. And eventually that’s not as bad as it seems.

vita est bona

I keep forgetting that the new forums auto populate, I keep hitting F5 to refresh the page.

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I didn’t even know f5 did that haha.

I would hit the refresh button on the top of the forums.

Hope your tooth feels better. That is the worst pain I can think of.

No…passing a stone is A LOT worse.

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One of my Cats disappeared. A grey and white cat named Butters. He was a sweetheart. Haven’t seen him for close to a week.

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Hmn, I still have to hit F5 to refresh. I get the tab notification that there have been updates to the page, but they won’t load without a refresh.

Hope that you are able to find Butters, but if not hope that they live a long and happy life out and about in the world.

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Never passed a stone so no poi nt of reference. What I do have a poi t of reference to though is a tooth that needed a root canal that refused to go numb.

Let’s just say a needle jabbed into an open tooth nerve in order to numb it is single handedly the most painful thing j have ever felt. For about 1 second anyway. I assure you, that second seemed an eternity.

Have you put out a piece of clothing with your scent on it, and some things of his? I dearly hope Butters will come back soon.


Yeah, still no sign of him.

It sucks to lose a Game Store. MY LFGS is looking like it’s shutting down. They pulled out all the POS equipment and product from the shelves. What was left was fair game. I picked up a 15mm Russian Church and Country House along with a 3’x3’ Neoprene Gaming Mat, for free. The rest of the store terrain is being packed up for storage. The owner is saying he’s gonna move to a different location, but the local feeling is that’s not gonna happen.

Good thing is I have a another LFGS near me that just put in some tables and will do orders for us. Just need to get a groove worked out again.

The game store in my town is alongside the RR tracks. It replaced a bar. They play actual table games there. On my first walk-thru I was whisked back to 12-13yo, frequenting the slot car track where I grew up. Same intensity. I was there for pinball, though, which is probably a big part of their business. Only about 12 machines, but well maintained, and classics for the most part.

“Support your local independent game store.”


It was a long day yesterday. Today I have a CO worker that called in sick. Nasty arthritis flare up. It hurt looking at it.

Normally not so bad. But my boss, who would help film the void had 2 people call in at his other job. So he is over there filli g the void atm. It is goi g to be another really long day today.

But we will get through it.

Good morning, everyone!

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Not sure the political commentary is appropriate for these forums, or particularly welcome in our lounge.

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I like waffles.

Topped with blueberry sauce.


Having pancakes at the moment. McDonald’s, though, because I just got home from work… eight hours after I was scheduled to go home.

Next up on the agenda: bed.