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Biscuts and gravy. It is what is for breakfast. Past getting mini me v. 2.0 to school, I cannot tell you anything else. It is my Saturday and can’t decide if i want to level my DH all day, lounge on the couch and watch TV, or enjoy an empty house and take a huge nap. All are possibilities currently.


Hi Grandpandamum.

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Just 10 more days and I’ll have super smash bro’s <3 cannot wait!!!

Also can anyone recommend any games that are hard to play or hard to learn? Kind of want a game with a challenge or a huge learning curve >.> could be my inner dark souls wanting to be fed.

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LOL I know mot what you meant. But it was hard no doubt lol

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Ohmygod I just realized we’re less than two weeks from Smash Ultimate. :scream_cat:


MY BODYS READY!!! That’s my big game for 2018! Mwahahaha.

Ahh MYST! I’ve heard a lot about that over the years, I still wanna try the witness same type of game looks beautiful tho:) thanks! ;D

I bought Switch D3 to help kill time till Smash. I’m getting a bit burned out on Stardew Valley and Zelda.

D’aw nice! I started leveling a necromancer (on pc) level 62 now >.>

Yeah I started a necro on campaign mode without stopping by adventure mode first to unlock everything. It still unlocked the Mystic though.
I’m in T2 on adventure mode and building up my gear. My favorite part of the game.

Is it really possible to get burned out on Zelda though?

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Heritage Armor blog post …

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Sadly, yes.
I don’t have all the Korok seeds nor have I finished Trial of the Sword, but. I’ve done everything else. Still a few armor sets to get to lvl 4 but mostly for completion sake. Tunic of the Wild set and the Amibo armors for example.


Funny. I’ve been thinking of Myst lately. Now 2 times today I’ve seen it mentioned.


Wow, flashback. Myst was a great game.:grin:


That is too funny

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Am I the only one that peeks and sees who liked my posts?


Nope. I do too.


It’s one of the games I picked up a bundle on Steam of, and still replay occasionally - letting just enough time pass that I have to think my way through puzzles again.


Make that three.