[CS Lounge] - Welcome to our new home

Mmmm. That sounds tasty.

The first part. The blackened salmon with rice pilaf.


America’s favourite restaurant does have its place though!

I may do Burger King tomorrow. Tuesdays and Thursdays are raid nights for me.

I don’t have a cool date like that. But I have a cool story, cuz I like to mess with the county clerk.

My grandfather performed the ceremony and is signed as Jr. My dad witnessed the ceremony and is signed III. And of course I participated and am signed as IV

My grandfather’s professional career was as a minister, and for a lot of it he traveled to Panama, Mexico, Dominican Republic, etc. Him doing the ceremony is singlehandedly my best memory of him.

3 generations of my family on my marriage license? Priceless


So my Thanksgiving was toast…again.

Two weeks before the new gal put in her two weeks notice. Then a week later she bails. My coworker and got his weekend cut short as a result. So he got the full weekend Thanksgiving week, on Thanksgiving.
I worked 12 hours Weds and Thurs nights. 10 hours Friday night.
My weekend starts in 2.5 hours…and I’m getting sick. -_-
My parents were down this weekend staying at the nearby casino. They were here to visit my dying cousin while they had a chance…I wasn’t able to visit. :frowning:
Well, at least I can chase Gnomes again.

I got the position. And a raise. $1.00.

Wish I was excited


Would Bug appearing at your doorstep with a water balloon and a squirt gun work?

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I’d love it.


Dumb forums, keep my avatar!


i just got my avatar back :stuck_out_tongue: /Tin foil hat

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I had a nightmare last night, I account shared with my GM because he was out of town and needed to tank a heroic raid >,> sounds so silly, but then remembered it was against the rules to account share and was like do I report myself or try to cover myself up like he came to visit me? Anyway I told him not to log in for a few days but he kept saying he had too and rather risk the banned on us both then lose on progression lol!

Then I woke up as I was filling out a self report.


Curiosity got the better of me last week. I bought the Switch version of D3 and have been playing it quite a bit.
The change of control scheme made a bigger difference than I suspected. My burnout from the PC version didn’t kick in.
My concern about the built-in screen remains though it’s not as bad as I was expecting.
There are bugs almost as big as my minion.


You don’t like witness protection Thunderwulf? :crazy_face:


I sorta feel like you and I getting our shadows back is just meant to be!


I specifically leveled a junk toon to 11 to try and force an armory update along with a password reset. Neither worked.
I find Merdrah available on the list yesterday and not the new one. Makes me wonder if there was a “manual override” in play. Flybys body slamming random buttons.
I’m sipping on an Oreo milkshake from Denny’s as I’m tapping this post. Tastes better than I expected and it does taste like Oreos, not like a random cookie shake. Could use more Alvie in it though.

Man, now I want to go to Sonic to see if they still have their Oreo shake

Anyone know how to reset wow’s graphic settings? I was screwing around with gamma and contrast (Because nvidia did something to my pc with its latest update, I managed to fix it. But as I was fixing it I thought it was a wow issue >.>)

Rename config.wtf to config.old.


I believe the Blizzard App has a setting to reset your game settings per game as well.


Thank you so much guys:)


Papa V using :crazy_face: makes my day

Fresh coffee and now its time to go to work!