[CS Lounge] We Heard You Like Tall Vampire Ladies

A roommate of mine “lost” her phone and used it to try and call herself to find it.


Lol not the first story ive heard like this.

It would be funny, but she does this at least once a week.

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The world is frozen and we’re selling lawn mowers. I’m talking like the 2-3 thousand dollar ones.

I fell asleep with the lights on. I woke up to turn them off. I spent five minutes hunting for my glasses before I realized I could see to look for them. I was still wearing them.


I think my favorite is when I forget to put them on. I’ve memorized where everything is in the house, so it’s like my brain goes into ‘automatic mode’, and it doesn’t register I can’t actually see where everything is. That eventually hits when I go to do something other than walk around and realize everything is lost in a sea of amorphous blurs.

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I have 2 pairs. One is trifocals and the other is computer glasses. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve driven down the street and realize I have the single focus computer glasses on. I can see the dashboard real well but not much else. :eyes:


I quit. I’m done. I can’t do it anymore. Do u at least get to be an honorary Canadian and free Healthcare? My soul is cold. That is how cold I am.

And the forecast just depresses me. Monday a high of 7 degrees(-14 rounded up) and low of - 5(-20.5) with a wind chill of about - 30(-34.5)


<sends along her 30° weather*>

*it may come with several inches of snow

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It’s 28 and sunny! :grin: The cold wave is coming soon though. Plus some snow.

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Somebody slid into our car parked on the street today. It has a blown engine and I don’t care what happens to it. But it still happened. Apparently a pretty nice person came and knocked on door right away etc.

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We are a balmy 18°F (-8°C) with a wind chill of about 6.8°F (-14°C).

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We are a balmy 67 here.

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Despite having the general okay to spend $2k+ of the big man’s money on product, it always seems to bring about some anxiety. :cold_face:

I can reconcile it with the fact that I’m getting it cheaper than what a regular distributor would sell it for, but $2300 in glazed apricots is still a lot. :sweat_smile:

Just finished the first episode of WandaVision. Weird is the only descriptive I could come up with haha. But I will give this a fair shot. Number 2 incoming.


If you are a fan of that universe, it just gets better each episode.

Without spoilers… I love the series so far. I have a bunch of theories and if they are touching on any of my guesses I will not be disappointed. I mean really, this has been so well done even if they go a completely different direction I don’t think I’d be disappointed.


I enjoyed episode 2, and it started to tease at a lot more things. Enough to hook me to see where this ride goes.

Where I live we are currently under an Extreme Cold Warning and have been for the past few days. Tonight we are supposed to drop to -22°C and this is before wind chill values. With the wind chill it will feel close to -30°C.

The good news is that the cold air mass here is supposed to start subsiding here early next week.

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its about -30 here give or take well take u no question tho.

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It gets wierder and wierder after episode 2 and more ?? then answers.

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