[CS Lounge] We Heard You Like Tall Vampire Ladies

Cat to wait for e3, who cares if it’s digital. We still get epic announcements.

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My 20 minute drive this morning took 45 minutes with a slight detour into my neighbors driveway. Ugh

I think the city thought they had enough sand and salt on the roads to handle overnight.

They were wrong. Very very wrong.

They almost always are.

i founed my npc lol



I think someone teased me with this one.


Newbies :smile:


My neighbors used to wait for me to go to work in my Terrain. Then they would come out and get in my tracks to get out of the neighborhood.

I just almost fell 3 times in the parking lot of work. Once walking to my car to start it. Once walking to the back to get my ice scraper. And once walking around to the passenger side to scrape window.

One almost caused the splits. Pro tip. O cannot even touch my shins have always had really tight joints so yeah I can’t do the splits haha.

Also I was fully aware AND being extremely careful. Yeesh.

Is this ice? or snow? :penguin: Nobody can do ice unless you play hockey. Snow, you just do the penguin shuffle.


Very little snow. It is ice. Nasty cold front swept in Monday night. And it not leaving for a while.

Nope nope I don’t do ice. I’m retired now and if I have food in the house I’m not going out in ice. I know how to drive in it but if I don’t have to I won’t.


Sadly, I have to in order to pay for…well everything haha.

But my trips are limited to work and home UNLESS I absolutely need to go somewhere. It is supposed to be a high of 12 on Sunday with a low of -1. Nope no thank you.

The moisture in the air was freezing to my windshield with my wipers on faster than the defroster could work on melting it this morning.

Gads that’s colder than here. It was 4 this morning but it’s 22 now. It’s going to get colder here soon.

I had a Dr appointment. Your blood pressure is high. I want you to see a heart Doctor. Um, my husband has an appointment on Monday cause I called 911 on him and the heart Dr is gonna do a ton of tests. Maybe that’s why my bp is high?

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The temp here got up to 7°F (-14°C) again today, so I did a big pot of chili for myself and the housemates. So yummy.

According to the forecast I just saw, overnight wind chills will be in the -20° to -30° (-29° to -34° Celsius), and the actual air temp won’t climb above 0° again until Tuesday. Definitely chili weather.

Had a rely good torghast run going twisted corridors lvl 12 got my last clue and guess what happens my internet decides to belly flop and nothing i can do to reset it at least i got my 3 clues.

Well actions do have there consequences gina carano is no longer coming back to the mandalorian or staring in the rangers show as well she just got the boot.

many similarities :rofl:

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Good news, I can finally put the events of the past few months behind me. My lingering cough is to be expected and it’s getting better and should go away in time. The docs said I’m in good health.

Don’t you hate it when you lose your glasses (if you wear them). I trashed my back room looking for them, I found them in my freezer in all places. lol


Freezer? I lose them just setting them on top of my head for a moment…

Better then looking for your phone while holding onto it not that ive done it lol.