[CS Lounge] TImey Whimey new year

HA! Like they need it…

You’d be surprised

Have you ever tried to write your own puns?

It’s a fairly difficult pun-dertaking!

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Could you do one for me in short order?

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Ok kinda a stupid question, I have played wow off and on for several years now casually, and I have patrolled this and the Mac tech support forum just as long. But what baffles me is this particular thread is most interesting and bazaar seeing it has nothing to do with customer support. What exactly is this thread for? I most enjoy reading it. Btw I love the customer support versus customer service seeing we players can most of the time help other quite easily before a game master has a chance.

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As per the Blizzard post that is posted in the first post of this thread:


Its also a race when the timer starts to get the last post for the last post goes the honor of starting the new thread.


Not gonna lie, I’ve always found that part more than a little annoying. Especially when it’s the same couple posters desperately leapfrogging over one another trying to make sure they get the last post.


Need to ship a gift package to New Zealand today. I’m hoping it don’t break the bank for me.

Got my mage to 58 now half way thru Ardenweald. She finally ran out of rested XP.

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Which company are you shipping it with? ¿xƎpǝℲ ɹo '˥Hp 'SԀ∩

Actually don’t know. I thought about using the USPS, but is gonna take a look at UPS. I have had real bad luck with FedEx with losing packages and stuff like that. DHL? I don’t know if the have a place here in town.

edit: well it looks like I do have a DHL office, but it’s across town and I don’t want go that far.

To all my NZ friends, how long will a package take if shipped today from Austin to New Plymouth?

I find it fun i cant always make it i see it as a challenge im sure if u were to ask to get the last post wed give it to you.

Yup. I tend to avoid the Lounge if I’m awake once the timer starts.


Ok I like the lounge, is so relaxing here😀


Agreed. Never raced the clock. I might notice the timer and make a comment but that is about it.


I ignore the timer; t doesn’t factor into whether I make a post or not. I’d much prefer if it wasn’t visible.

You miss my point. I’m not chasing the last post. I don’t consider it a prize to be competed for. I think it looks tacky when I see others doing it.


That’s not why I do it most of the time. I do it to see if someone else is dedicated enough to try for it. For me, getting the last post could be considered losing. :crazy_face:

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Speaking of shipping things, I had a MicroSD card (those tiniest of tiny little things) that died on me. It was still under warranty, but I needed to ship it back to the manufacturer…down in the good’ole USA.

No big deal right!?!?

Lowest quote was $43+tax!!! One quote was seriously $160+.

Thankfully, the company decided to make an exception for me (I don’t have to send it back) as it was cheaper for me to just buy another one than to ship this one back for a placement.


That is flipping insane

It is not like it has to cross an ocean. I swear shipping companies use a stupid border, state, or our great neighbors to the north, to charge more.

I get customs. But still.