{CS Lounge} The Light and How to Swing It

They stack well, except for that ship wheel. Guess I’ll just have to use that one. :face_with_monocle:

I’m just happy to get my alts geared up to this point. It’s been about a year since we returned. Finally seeing dungeons! Still hoping for Mechagon.

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Great choice of GIF. :+1:

In other news, a PC restart did the trick in getting WoW to update. Also, Happy Annoy Squidward Day.


Just out of curiosity Aryalanthu, was the error you were getting this one: BLZBNTAGT00000840 ??

If it was, they’re now collecting feedback on it so that they can try and fix the issue causing it.

I had been getting it previously, but didn’t this time around myself.

If it was that error message, have a read over this post and if you can, help out by sending them an e-mail :slight_smile:

If I get it again, I’ll be sending them one too.


That is indeed the error I was getting but there was no voice proxy listed in my task manager that I could see. I very well could have missed it, though, on account of me being tired and slightly annoyed.


Hiya everyone! sends good wishes throughout the lounge

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Hug Gnomies!

pretty safe to say, that Sylvanas Windrunner has…“forsaken” hygiene ages ago.


One - groan


Today’s Rant: My blood glucose monitor started lying to me and then eating a battery every two days. I got a prescription for one and after a week of waiting I was told by the pharmacy that my insurance wouldn’t cover it so I purchased one at full price. Today, two weeks after it was submitted, they have ‘filled’ my prescription as it somehow cleared my insurance. :crazy_face:

In WoW news, I now have the holiday hearthstone. The effect doesn’t look like what i thought it did but it’s not bad. I thought it would be a shower of rose petals the whole cast time but it’s not. Not sure why I thought that.


Vacation set!

1st class train ride to visit my parents for a week.


I’ve been looking at a vacation for the family recently too! Possibly over our March break and maybe somewhere sunny :wink:

Thankfully, I feel a lot more like myself today. Yesterday was a miserable day spent almost entirely in bed :frowning:


Man that sucks. As I am sure you can now relate to the number, my A1c when tested yesterday was 8.0

Explains why I have been feeling soooo bad lately. Hopefully this med tweak will fix it though. Already feel a little better today but the stomach cramps are still present and making me miserable.


That feeling when you realize you’re going to turn 35 in the middle of a 12-hour shift of work.


I turned 18 when playing the Wake Island Battlefield 1942 demo, no joke. I still remember that 16 years later.

Happy (early?) Birthday!!

:birthday: :confetti_ball: :partying_face:


Druid now at lvl 23, had a really fun dungeon run, and two REALLY amazing dungeon runs with two new friends and two guildies.

also noticed a lil arrow in the top right corner of the map, near the ‘x’, and not sure if it’s been there the entire time, or if it was just recently added with the “Assault on Blackwing Lair” patch that was put out last Tues.

also…these “ghost ships” still bother me, and i hope NPC’s are implemented on them soon. ._.

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The NPCs were added in Wrath, so unlikely. :frowning:

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Got quite a bit done today, cleaned up the front room and a good chunk of the kitchen, you can actually walk around the place unhindered. Still need to organize all my gaming stuff as I got tubs of terrain, miniatures and wargaming books scattered everywhere.

Tomorrow, I am making gumbo. Got the holy trinity made up, a pound of fresh shimp, peeled and de-veined, chicken and andouille sausage and fresh okra.


Gotta get up early to make the gumbo, need to dice up the chicken and sausage. I love owning a slow cooker.

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