[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

M’Lady i am 42 years young.

Yes, yes you are young :slight_smile: Not the youngest here though. I think Alvie is on the younger end still in their 30s.


It’s been about a decade since the last time I carded you.


Feel better soon!

The US is offering at home test kits again, starting in late September (COVIDTest.gov), so you can replenish your supply.

Just had a line of storms tear through here. Not much rain, but a lot of wind, which brought down more than a few branches. Which, in turn, knocked the power out for a couple minutes.


I was 42 once, a long, long, long, … time ago.


This is true I think. My first Blizzcon was 2014.


I’m 42 this year…and just over 300lbs. :frowning:

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I started working at this job site that year. I also had vacation scheduled that year where my mom came down and went to Disneyland with me. Still the last time she was there. The last day at the hospital job site was the first day I went on vacation. Glad I did that.


Since we’re all sharing… I turned 46 this year. Needless to say, being back at college at my age was daunting! But I loved my classmates and quickly became the class ‘Dad’ that people went to for support.

Wouldn’t have traded the last two years for anything. We all have our struggles along the way and one great thing, in my opinion, is how supportive this group always is of one another.


My father (career Army NCO 1919-1992) was insistent that tips should always be in cash. I tipped in cash only until well into the 2000s.
It’s a tax records thing.


My gripe is they don’t indicate anyway that the person is gonna be tipping cash til after you accept it.

They being instacart. If they had a button that said “5 dollar tip from customer” that would be awesome or “cash tip”


I have finally decided that it is time for me to start my last and final job. Retirement!


:tada: :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Happy retirement! Party at Marvi’s place!


Got me my brut Taittinger champagne, fish eggs, thick cut USDA prime steaks et al, in the fridge waiting.

Ordered fifty red roses with fifty white carnations and baby’s breath and fern fill to be delivered.

Ready to celebrate an anniversary at the end of the week.

50 wonderful years and counting.


Sorry u had to clean up that thread. Also as were aproaching teh end of summer im fine closing the thread.

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Not your fault, Darth. All good, I just like to clean up a bit so as not to distract the OP.


Lately, I find myself missing with increasing frequency many of our former regulars, players and blues alike. I really hope they’re all doing well.

I thought I did. The former Mrs. Teuf and I had many… discussions about housekeeping. When we separated, I was supremely confident the clutter and messes would also vanish. It’s been over a decade, and it’s all I can do to keep it from getting worse.


Hopefully they swiched autthenticators before it was changed.

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What a garbage day at work today. Felt like crap so I worked at turtle speed. I hate working like this, I like being able to give the company my 100%. Just could not do that today. Hopefully tomorrow I can do better. Or I’m staying home and playing WOW.