[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

Weirdly wnough she sidnt dispute any missing or damaged items.

Idk what what her deal was


Sadly no i am not. :frowning: im in the states.

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I got to ask if the pay is sustainable in your area. The drivers here in CA won’t last too much longer with this state economy. Especially in my area.

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Around here in a rural part of KY it is. Lot of older / disabled folk tip well and are greatful to have folks deliver to them.

Along with the rich folk that love tipping a lot lol


She just doesn’t like Vulpera.

I liked getting the older folks when I was delivering pizzas; which wasn’t often - I was a manager, so I only got to do it when we were short handed or super busy.

Them, too. :smiley:

Between a new work laptop and a new phone late last week, it’s been weird, with not a ton of time to play. But I made my goal of getting Poct here to 80 before Early Access ended. By about 35-40 minutes. Now to figure out what’s next. Obviously, I need to work on rep grinds, which I totally slacked off on in Dragonflight. But I have altogether too many alts to level up (don’t say a word, RB. :stuck_out_tongue: ).


Welp lot of shoppers are having issues right now due to a sweeping identity check of some sort.

Guess it’s just in time for war within? XD (I’ve had early access but ah well lol)

Ya older folk are super sweet and even if they tip in the app sometimes they are like “here’s an extra 5” cause they just want to. I like chit chatting with folks sometimes and idk I get a massive sense of community doing the deliveries. I get an idea of who all lives around me and how the city is.

Gratz on 80 and maybe the earthen? Now that EA is done, earthen should be unlockable.


Earthen will become available September 3, 2024.


Oh snickerdoodles…

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Rich people do tip well. So do drunk. When I was 16 I walked a delivery pizza down the block to some guys having a party. They were hammered. They owed me 20 bucks and they gave me 400, and told me to keep the change. I called them the next morning to make sure they knew what they did, and sure as be told they knew exactly. Turned out one of them lost a bet if the delivery guy would be a guy or girl.


I can’t decide if I’m sweating or literally melting.


Ice cream for dinner, though.



Wow, people are ripping on the guides in the newcomer channel. Calling us AI, and other more beligerant things. Makes me sad.


Well theres a reason why theres a report feature for language lol.


I am sorry you have to deal with that. I get called a lot of things on the forums too, including AI from time to time. I don’t mind that one too much. It is rude and dismissive, but not dangerous like threats or sexual harassment.

I hope you beep booped them right onto your report list!


I wouldve replied uve reached the help desk if u want help in english speak klingon if not this isnt a wendys.


OMG i love you guys.


IRL: there’s a fruit fly or gnat or something that won’t leave me alone.
In game: I got a character to 50 in the event, ported back to Dalaran, and now Lord Maxwell Tyrosus won’t leave me alone. It feels kind of the same. Except he apologizes for stalking me - the gnat doesn’t.


Congratulations, Perl. I hope your new adventure is more fun than exciting. ^^


Pro tip. Orlyia. O really a.


Theres clearly a quest in the ringing deeps that ends with the fastball special.