[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

Yet, we have people in our town drinking it like beer, but we tend to stay away from them.

Are you sure about that? If so, yikes!!! The basic definition of it makes it clear it can kill you. Just from the basic wiki.

Denatured alcohol, also known as methylated spirits, metho, or meths in Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United Kingdom; and denatured rectified spirit is ethanol that has additives to make it poisonous, bad-tasting, foul-smelling, or nauseating to discourage its recreational consumption. It is sometimes dyed so that it can be identified visually. Pyridine and methanol,[1] each and together, make denatured alcohol poisonous; and denatonium makes it bitter.

Denatured alcohol is used as a solvent and as fuel for alcohol burners and camping stoves. Because of the diversity of industrial uses for denatured alcohol, hundreds of additives and denaturing methods have been used. The main additive usually is 10% methanol (methyl alcohol), hence the name methylated spirits. Other common additives include isopropyl alcohol, acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, and methyl isobutyl ketone.[1]

Denaturing alcohol does not alter the ethanol molecule (chemically or structurally), unlike denaturation in biochemistry. Rather, the ethanol is mixed with other chemicals to form a foul-tasting, often toxic, solution. For many of these solutions, it is intentionally difficult to separate the components.


Mirasol I’m not aloud to say on the forums what we say about those people. smirk


Almost got this done

Then got 2 more to do for


I applied to two jobs yesterday. This summer I completed my first College diploma and am considered a registered professional!!! It’s super exciting and scary at the same time, to start something so new at this stage in my life, but I’m happy.

Wish me luck everyone! It’s going to be a wild week.

/makes a fresh pot of coffee
/warms up water for tea
/puts out fresh TimBits with all the honey ones suspiciously missing



Congrats and good luck! I am excited for you. Even if there are bumps during your adventure, it makes for great stories and learning experiences. The Lord of the Rings would be boring if they just smoothly dropped the ring in the fire and were done with it.

I NEED this today. Thank you. Om nom TimBits!


I forgot how much professions gear annoyed me until I say my floppy eared skinning hat in a cut scene. Looks silly as heck.

Off to visit that Tauren lady again.


I submitted it as a suggestion, but I find that many of the recipes for the profession require a large number of reagents.

And DW, that other thread went on way too long. Our poor centar or panada is going to have fun cleaning that up.

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YAY our panda is in. big hugs for Orylia

Lady Orylia, how did you get your name?

I feel sick as a cat today. I am coughing like crazy, have a fever, and have a crazy runny nose. At least there is WoW today and Star Ocean if I can’t concentrate. Even already called in sick to work.

I should take a day off but ive been working instacart for 2 months straight lol

Like i can make my own schedule its just idk


I sincerly hope your one pf the good instacarts where i work we mostly dislikeninstacart shopper.


4.96 rating so far and no rotten or spoiled items. 300+ orders since june.

Same lady kept giving me bad reviews so i blocked her. No idea why either. Only reason it isnt 5 star.

I’m very passionate about it and enjoy it <3 plus i am really good at picking good produce.


I have a stupid question, and I’m sorry. What is Instacart?

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The problem we have most insta are disorganized. Arrogant and rude they.make our jobs more difficult then it needs to be.


Personal shopper.

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Shop and deliver groceries.


Those I’ve seen a few of and generally if they are rude with staff they are rude with customers.

I forget how but if they are being rude abd causing issues the particular shopper can be banned.

Folks love me around here though and we make jokes etc. It’s nice.


Trying to get freebies.


Fuzzy, you in the Edmonton area? I Could use your services.

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