[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

I hit a invisable wall trying to fly to the 2nd zonem



ugh, been trying to log into the forums on my iPad, via Safari and Firefox. When I enter my login stuff, it goes to a white page with a line about NTX(?)


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Thank god for elbow grease and magic erasures did laundry had a pen in it by accident got washer cleaned shouldve checked clothes betterink stain on short pokets that left big streaks all over the drum theres a few small streaks but there faint.

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Public washer? Silly DW.

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To bad its my apt washerdryer.

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Lemon juice and magic eraser bro, that should help get the rest out.

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Magic eraser worked lots of elbow grease

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i love magic eraser, use them to clean almost everything.

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For the record, ink is soluble in ethyl alcohol. The kind you drink. You would need the Denatured Ethyl alcohol that is stronger than what is sold. Although everclear might work.

Takes the ink right off things. Being a bio major had benefits. It even gets sharpie off lab equipment.


Wouldnt iso propofol thats sold inpharmacy work.

That’s heavily diluted, sir, I think Everclear or Moonshine might be best. Then you get to enjoy the rest as well. wink. Might be a different kind of alcohol to.

lol that is funny ive also read 1:1 bleach and water on a towel then do a cycle.

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My theory is that if bleach can’t clean it, perhaps nothing will.

But will it clean my dark broken soul nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

DW, your dark, broken soul is what makes you unique. Let us not clean that. Plus, there is a reason I mogged Rycerz to look vampiric.

I just learned how to import and save talent loadouts. Now, switching specs will be way faster when the need arises. He is built for tank, heals and DPS.

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Hey vrak since were aproaching the end of summer your welcome to close this.

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Nope. That is not the same kind of alcohol. There are many kinds of alcohols and they have different chemical properties.

  • Methyl alcohol (Methanol) will make you blind and kill you. Also sometimes called wood alcohol. A reason to beware of moonshine.
  • Ethyl alcohol (Ethanol) is drinking alcohol which kills you more slowly :slight_smile:
  • Denatured Ethyl Alcohol is much stronger than what you can get at the liquor store and has chemicals added to make you very sick - hence the denatured part. That is done to keep people from drinking it to get drunk. That allows limited sale of the product for use in labs, construction, industry, etc.
  • Isopropyl alcohol is yet another type of alcohol that does not have intoxicating properties but does not work as well as a solvent for the ink. That is the most common one you get at the store for cleaning skin before injections, household use, and whatever else you need it for.

That is a drug used during anesthesia to put patients to sleep. Also what Michael Jackson abused and died from using. It has to be done super carefully or it does more than just sedate people.

Bleaching is an oxidation reaction which can certainly lighten things. However some inks it does not have any impact on. Hence the Ethyl Alcohol.

It is all just Chemistry!