[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days


Whewā€¦ okay.

After the motherboard fiasco from back in Juneā€¦ the CS forum is current again. No more 100+ unread threads to catch up on. @.@


Rip accolyte its been canceled.


It is 4:30am and I have not slept. My eldest cat has been sick all evening on and off. I almost get to sleep and she gets sick again :frowning:

Poor girl. No fever, no pain, nothing bad I donā€™t think. Probably my fault for giving her a different food :confused: That, or her appetite stimulant made her eat too much and hence the results.


Hope she feels better soon.


She is elderly, has kidney disease, and is underweight. I realize things areā€¦what they are.

For her age and condition she is good - just having a bad night and I am anxious as usual.


I liked Acolyte. Me and Dad enjoyed it.

Yeah, same. It wasnā€™t my favorite of the Star Wars series that have come out, but I mostly enjoyed it. I hoped that would have been able to expand upon it from there.


It was good i enjoyed it as wel guess it didnt do as well as people expected pity.

I think the expectation has gotten a bit like there is towards Marvel now, which is sad. It seems every show/movie absolutely must be a blockbuster hit or itā€™s an ultimate failure. Sometimes a show can just be good and worth the watch, without needing to change your life by watching it.


Honestly, Iā€™m kind of burnt out on Star Wars and Marvel movies.

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Iā€™m not. For me that is like sayingā€¦ Oh, Iā€™m burnt out on reading comics, or sci fi/fantasy or playing video games.

Itā€™s the genres I love and being in a time where the technology is finally up to snuff to help tell the stories, Iā€™ll take as many of those as I can get. I donā€™t love and support every decision made, but I donā€™t want them to stop. Just slow down and put some thought and care into what is made.


My husband and I call it ā€œsocial redeeming valueā€. Thatā€™s not why we watch a show or movie. I want to be entertained, not preached to.

jumps off soap box


Itā€™s nice and cool today so I am making homemade chicken soup. Right now, Iā€™m playing the pot game. Turn it up and it boils. Turn it down and it stops. I need to find the sweet spot for a low simmer.


I love shows that have a value, make you think, reinforce a heroic moral and make you want to be a better person. I donā€™t believe having those elements is being ā€œpreached toā€. For me, those resonate with me. Where I see myself, or the ideal of myself, reflected in the story, character. etcā€¦

I meant more like the difference between Avengers: End Game or Thor Ragnarok and maybe Hawkeye or Ms Marvel. Both of the movies were huge, blockbusters, but I love both of those series for what they were, even with their faults.


I guess I should have said what mood Iā€™m in. I love all the Marvel movies. I love my Godzilla. I also enjoyed Chernobyl. That was a fascinating movie to explain some things. Oppenheimer was good as well. Explained much that I didnā€™t know. Itā€™s situational. Bad day? Donā€™t want to have to think, just unwind. :grin:

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I never get bored or marvel or star wars theres only 1 super villian movie genre ive watched that disliked despite everyone liking i realy didnt like joke found it slow and boring probablyt wont see p2.

I havenā€™t seen Joker yet. Itā€™s one of those that I probably should see, but I canā€™t find the motivation to.

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I put joker in the same category as titanic had to sit thru it 2 times and hated it the 2nd time. Reminds me of the supernatural episode where balthazar saves the titanic because he hates the song lol.

Got bad news for yaā€¦