[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

home made corn relish


I still have 20 to go. One at 58 and the rest 50 or lower. Iā€™m not worried about leveling the all in pre-launch. I didnā€™t expect to have as many max-level characters as I have at the moment.

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illl add the botom part of the recipie in the morning.

I have officially had a senior moment.

I went to reply to a post in the General forums and didnā€™t realize my account was inactive.

I can reply to stuff in the CSF as Blizzard designed things so that inactive account can still post on the CSF and Tech support forums

And I had typed out one of my usual , novel length posts too.



DF was removed from the store during Blizzcon. When I renewed then my account had it automatically. Though I did also buy Warwithin.

Copy-cat! erā€¦Copy-Centaur!

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That only works when you give a centuar a copy-machine :joy:

Centaurs can use copy machines?

Beef and Broccoli over rice for dinner tonight.


BBQed zucchini married with olive oil and Montreal steak spice.

Kyzera, your name and text need a green tint with the MVP title under your name.


Leveled multiple toons to 70 today farming memories. What a nice day

PS. ā€œStupid magesā€¦ā€¦using the last of a reagent and never replacing it.ā€ Apprentice Morlann

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Grrrā€¦ Put some chicken tenders in the oven, set a timer on my phone, and came downstairs to catch up on todayā€™s forum drama. I scrolled for I donā€™t know how long before I realized I had somehow paused the timer somewhere between the kitchen and the computer.

Iā€™m gonna give 'em another 4 minutes or so. Theyā€™ll either be perfect, or theyā€™ll be something closer to charcoal.

Edit - Theyā€™re reasonably well-cooked, hot all the way through, and we didnā€™t have to get the smoke detectors involved. :rofl:


I have had to go against my normal instinct of gearing up my 70s and just focus on getting the Memories for the pets and mount.

So I am using my sub-70s to farm Memories. This way I can also focus on trying to acquire as many pieces of that Recruit gear (that only drops for alts below 70).

I really donā€™t want to grind those armor sets for all the armor types. But knowing me, Iā€™ll probably do it anyway. At least I have all the Dalaran Defender sets done - a few weapons to get, but they shouldnā€™t be an issue - I have plenty of Memories to spend. Iā€™ll probably pick up some random gear to hold for any new characters I end up leveling (even though Iā€™m seriously considering downsizing my character list).

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On my EU account I bought 32-slot bags and a couple reagent bags to put in my Warbound bank for alts because Iā€™m not currently funding that account.


Wait, Iā€™m curious, I know the Warbank works for the BNet account, but does it also work across regions as well? :eyes:

No. Itā€™s separate. I opened the warbound bank on my EU account the day before the free day was gifted. I was able to apply the day to my EU account. I farmed memories for the mount. Then I farmed for the bags.


RIP Phil Donahue.

One of the first daytime talk show hosts was 88.


Well, I got some good news from the VA.

Did my Hearing Evaluation and found out I have tinnitus and partial hearing loss. The good news part of it is that itā€™s service related, and pretty much guarantees a disability percentage. I should be getting a final determination in about 2 to 4 weeks.


Ill say this mucch the cough live action simpsons movie staring adam sandler has a good cast but thats some funky ai generated video.

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