[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

I think the real meaning is: Die For My Brothers


I think there have some hilarious guesses in the thread. Personally liking “Dog, fetch my ball” as the bet so far. Keep 'em up!!

i love my new job


Remote again or do you have to deal with public transportation?

Coming to you today from the very very stormy Mid-Atlantic where there is a large branch down in my backyard. No damage that I can see so far but I can’t see much through the heavy rain and wind. Callie is not worried though which means no tornado or derecho. She knows about those things.

Fingers crossed the power and internet stays on. Not that I can’t cope if it does not, but it would be nice if it did.

TWW event is really good for leveling alts by the way. Just be careful not to get killed by the bosses. My 66 hunter did like 2 events and was 70. I suspect it goes super fast for anything in the 60+ range.


fully remote permanently


Cool beans!


Seems like they’ve rework the pre-patch event.


Dey Fight Me Biants?
(Because it reminded me of the abbreviation used for the band They Might Be Giants)


I like beans.

Jelly beans!

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Wow!! That brings back some memories of the college years (what few I have left, lol).


As if we didn’t already know it, but she is definitely THE GOAT!!!

Hot hot hot. And humid. Cherry tomatoes are coming in fierce. Have 2 bowls of them now.

Looks like you guys in the south are going to get soaked. That’s a ton of rain coming. If we got that much up here with the clay soil we have, we would be totally flooded. We have had 2 inches of rain this month so far. Had urban street flooding in the usual places.



Yay tomatoes! What do you plan to do with them? I have terrible black spot on the ones I bought from the store. My volunteers on the other hand are fantastic and just starting to bloom. They are far far away from the blighted ones!

Storms here. Had to clean up lots of branches, put plants back upright, etc. Nothing bad though other than a brief power outage. Expecting more storms tonight. Yay?

Prepping some easy to eat food so I don’t have to cook later if required.

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Eat them like candy. They are the sweet kind. Hubby takes a bunch to work to snack on during the day.

I can’t get past the tomato slime texture. I have to at least have them in a salad or sandwich with other things.

When I have too many tomatoes I roast them, puree them, and simmer then down with fresh basil and such to a sauce I can freeze.


I actually hate tomatoes. I grow them for the family. I enjoy doing it.

I make salsa!


Yup, storm keeps shifting west so now we are in the 8” to 12” range.

Feeling bad for Savannah and Charleston 
 they are in the 12” to 16” with patches of 16” to 20”.

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