[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

costco sells waterballoon slingshots

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I mean, that sounds kind of fun! As long as they let you take off anything that was not water proof first!

Mmmmm food coma. A grill/potluck day sounds awesome.


Oh my gosh, there was a lot of food we all ate like royalty. Most of all, I think I gained at least 100 pounds from all of the food. And yes, I made sure my phone was out of the line of fire. I really don’t want to have to save to buy another Google Pixel phone. lol


I have avoided fancy phones. My phone is a 2016 Samsung J3V or something like that. It IS a smart phone with a camera and I can text on it, do email, etc. Plenty for me. It has the Diablo reddit snoo sticker on it from Blizzcon 2016 too.

I am going to have to eventually replace it :confused:

Food here is my latest pasta salad batch. I am lazy sometimes and cold crispy veggies and pasta with grilled chicken is just plain nice and easy. No heating up the house or anything. Instant meal on one plate. I am getting a bit bored of it …but yeah. That is what there is for the weekend.

Need to think of something else easy to batch cook without heating up the house much.

Most epic, may have to run out there to get some.

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I was forced to get a new one when my A10e died on me plus i was tired of no service out here with verizon so i made the switch to metro and got the phone for free.

I have been grilling out a lot lately no point in heating the house up when we can just make a little fire and cook over it. Tomorrow we plan to make peach cobbler and hobo pies over the fire assuming the rain holds off.


What have i done. Insert darthvader nĂ´Ă´ooooooooooo.


I’m not melting but it is disturbing my sleep pattern. What little pattern there is. Fortunately, my place doesn’t get direct sunlight so it stays fairly cool.

One thing I don’t like about the new loot drop rate for holidays? Not enough people to run alts through for exp. I got the staff and weapon illusion to drop on my Horde Warlock. The mount armor and a cloak dropped for my Evoker. Nothing for Merdrah directly. She could use the cloak and staff even though I won’t “use” them.

It has been fairly cold here, with temperatures getting a low as 5C and as high as the mid-high teens.

But when it does get hot during the summer, my place actually does get extremely hot, making it feel like I’m inside the oven.

Okay, this is so weird … even for Jenafur. When I logged on to my Dwarf Shammy, Jenafur was out with me. I mounted up in my Garrison to check something and she despawned. I ported to Blackrock Mountain and ran MC. Then ported to SW … then DAL … then began running ICC.

Jenafur did not show back up until I completed the boat fight (and thus earned the “I’m on a Boat” achieve). She is now on the boat and will not walk off of it to join me. Guess she is taking that achieve a little too seriously, lol.

She did finally join me once I crossed through the portal into the other section of ICC. I know it was an issue with pathing that had her on the boat still, but it was kinda funny nonetheless.


Had a bit of rough weather yesterday/overnight. There was (at the very least) a funnel cloud just north of town. I don’t think it touched down, but I haven’t gone up that way to check. Might do that today.

We got an inch and a half of rain between yesterday and last night, most of it overnight. Today, it’s much cooler (high of 71), and pretty breezy.



And we didn’t get anything. We haven’t had any rain in a week or so. Stuffs turning brown already.

Mine is still mostly green, but I noticed yesterday there are brown tire tracks from me backing up to the house to unload stuff. According to the weather channel, there was a 70% chance of a storm. All I think it has done so far is drizzle a little bit.

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And get more humid.

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Silly question, what is 500 error?


The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 500 Internal Server Error server error response code indicates that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

This error response is a generic “catch-all” response. Usually, this indicates the server cannot find a better 5xx error code to response. Sometimes, server administrators log error responses like the 500 status code with more details about the request to prevent the error from happening again in the future.

I’d try again later. Maybe try another browser.


It happens when I flag in the forums.