[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

Well remix is going well got june trading post outa way soo is completed still in jade a63 lol.

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Tomorrow is likely going to be one of the biggest games in NHL history, and it’s gonna be a good one. LETS GO OILERS!!!

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I need to work on my Forum Levels, but this is my response LOL

Let me help you with my forum levels.

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I got a good comeback but. 2k short of lvl 3. So ill just say i bought a new gaming mouse that actualy fits my hand my old one felt like 2 sizes tw0 small.

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I have absolutely no idea where I am at in regards of TL3. I’m guessing not for a long while.

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Can always ask vrak usialy willing to tell in my best vrak voice probably like 6k short and about 100 posts ur on track but a bit to go.

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Took me a while to re-earn it back, considering for the 6 months exclusion after forum account action, but I got it. You’ll get it back.

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I’m about 4 1/2 months away, give or take.

​< .<
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As I found it a short while ago, it goes from the start of the action, not when the action is lifted. But you’ll get there as well.

Yeah, I took a two year break LOL I’m having fun playing the F2P version of the game. I don’t feel like the F2P version is any different from how I would normally play so LOL

I’ve been playing Starfield as off late actually. And a lot of it.

Like, already


Good morning all and Happy Database Maintenance day! Fingers crossed that project goes well.

sets out coffee pots



Yeah… I have to go make my first cup, feed the cats, check the gardens, etc. Might go grocery shopping during the down time. I don’t need much though so…meh? We shall see.


I’d probably be asleep soon, if I can fall asleep. Kind of feels weird for me that downtime is actually on a Tuesday here, as usually, downtime would normal be on a Wednesday here.

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Indeed! It is also how the coffee grounds end up being put in my cup instead of the coffee press sometimes. Both are cylindrical. Both have handles. Brain short circuits.


Untill its x platform i wont be playing it.

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