[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

The good news is that despite two visits to urgent care (don’t ask), I very much enjoyed our free healthcare today.


So, you cop falling glass from your cupboard, my partner just got a plate to his foot while doing the dishes. Except, he was lucky to be wearing shoes at the time, so he got no injuries. However, the plate lost the battle when it broke.

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Augh horrible >.< Glad you were able to get to urgent care though.


Leaves cookies and tea and/or coffee for the blues having to clean up today.

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Ugh, we’re becoming more like America here…

I thought 4-Way Stops were more of an American thing, until the council here wanted to try and improve traffic on one of the streets near where they have been building a Sydney Metro Station. Until I realized what they have done is replaced a round-about with a 4-way stop. Atleast with a roundabout it is easy to get through, even with a lot of traffic, but a 4-way stop? My god, it is going to be a nightmare of horns going off now :frowning:

The trend here is to put in roundabouts instead of 4-way stops, although mostly only in new construction - there’s not a lot of retrofitting. I wonder why in your area they decided to go the reverse?

I dunno. Seems odd to me on this one too. And there isn’t any large vehicles that go down the road due to a 3t vehicle limit in the area as well.

Ugh vrak and orlyia cant get in soon enough.

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I think Vrak had another late night last night. As for Orlyia, I think they’re having a nice strong cup of coffee.

EDIT: I spoke too soon. The panda has entered the forums. Quick, everyone, offer cookies.

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Eat up eveyone.



Messy today it seems!

I’ll definitely enjoy a seat and some cookies.


I ate too much! :expressionless:

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We love our grandpandamum. sets coffee


I think I’ve mentioned this before but I’m a bit of a night owl. I usually go to bed around 3 am central, 4-5 on my weekend. :slight_smile:

I also sometimes get pings about posts, or happen to take a peak at the forums when I’m downloading something or waiting in for a match, etc… so I might post a quick reply to something, or if moderation is necessary lock a thread (doing more usually requires me to log in through my work system, etc…).


Nothing wrong with being a bit of a Night Owl. Things would stop working if there wasn’t for the Night Owls :slight_smile:


I always wonder about this from a mod point of view - would it be akin to the user end when we get a notice about something, or is there a box that shows up with reports or something?

Yes, the same place that shows you when you receive a reply shows when a report enters the queue to be handled by a moderator. That isn’t as helpful as it probably should be because it shows everything, any time someone quotes me, or replies to me, and the reports, etc… It’s a bit busy. :smiley:


This is cool getting a little insight to the back end of things.