Must be something in the air the last few days. Maybe it’s the heat/humidity. Or terminal boredom? Posts have been really out there.
Hot and humid looks like it’s going to stick around for quite a while. On the plus side, my regular sized (not cherry sized) tomatoes are starting to ripen up. Cherry ones have been ripening for a bit. I see bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches in our future.
I had some good news today. I weekly check the VA website weekly to see where they are at for my disability claim. They are at the stage of determining disability percentage stage now, hopefully I’ll hear something soon.
Fingers crossed. My dad ended up hiring someone to look through his record and found that a doc wrote a note saying he was a suspected diabetic in 1985… you can imagine the backpay o_o
Probably a good thing if you remember what happened when we woke up Kerafyrm in EverQuest. Rampaged all of the great divide and many surrounding lands.
Edit: the silence tells me no one remembers Kerafyrm. Her nickname was The Sleeper. A wicked cool dragon that was located in The Sleepers Tomb.