[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

In nature, one will occasionally find creatures vividly painted; vibrant oranges, sharp yellows, perhaps even magnificent cyans.

Run, these colours scream. Run from me and despair, for I am poison!



Certainly a surprise today for the downtime, but not overly so. I dunno, at the most basic isn’t it easier to just remember that computers like to misbehave sometimes, and fancier computers (servers, but for the sake of this little idiomatic-type thingy I’m going ultra-simplistic) misbehave in fancier ways? Tis why I never get too bothered by things like this.

Also I’m saying this here because it’s more conversational or reflective than helpful so not really appropriate for threads on the topic currently in here.

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This explains why funko pops keep multiplying weeping angels evolved into funko pop.

I’m currently using a SteelSeries Apex 5 keyboard and mouse combo. :smiley:

Woo! My warband took less than a minute to generate.

Interestingly the characters listed in favourites were those I most recently logged into.



I logged into Tea, and she gained the absolute last garrison follower May needed. o.o

Misremembered the name!

you’re a techie correct? would you mind looking at my dxdiag at some point and telling me what to upgrade because I’m just a lil elf

I only do friendly glomps. I can even be matching shadow and disc Tiny Tia™ earrings! I can even use my Benediction and Anathema to keep the mosquitos away.

*Offers pickles*

:cucumber: :cucumber:

With the right software most mice can play nice. It’s usually Exposè and spaces that pose problems.

I wish Logitech would bring back the G11 as a mechanical keyboard. I’m not fond of the modern ones that tilt upward as you move further back. They get fairly painful to type on with the way my arms are.

What is it you’re looking to do or upgrade to/for?

space primarily, but i got the rig three years ago for my 1 year work anniversary. any recs upgrade wise to add to my wishlist is appreciated because lol birthday soon :stuck_out_tongue:

Pc hardware is fun.

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List your specs and I (and some others here too) should be able to tell you the best bang for your buck in terms of immediate gains.

Do not feel alone, I am right there with you. When I bought my laptop, I made sure it was one I could upgrade memory and RAM as time went on, knowing that great specs wear down pretty quickly after a year or two. I feel like I’ve wiped everything I can off my harddrive and yet that was just bits and bobs. So I’m moving my game folder to an external hard drive so I can at least do these downloads that I’ve got queued.

I’m getting ready to move my GPU out and set it up in a new rig. I say “new” because the stuff’s still unopened, but it’s “just” a 9900k. Thankfully they’re still very relevant, and even though it’s DDR4-3200, it’s still plenty fast enough for games. And given that the kit I have is a 128 GB kit, I won’t have to worry about RAM anytime soon. I’ll be moving over my 4 TB SSD for overflow games storage and using the two 2 TB NVMe drives for primary games use. My OS will be on its own 2 TB SSD and the 4090 will make it all purr. Only thing I’m really considering is just moving my current Cosmos II case to the landing for my grandpa to use this computer and getting a Cosmos 700M for both its versatility and its nice GPU holder. Wish the case wasn’t $600 though…

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It also helps that my company is reimbursing a no strings attached 1k hardware update to be used within the first 90 days of my hire hahaha.



Wow, fancy!

I had a post removed and thats fair it was a bit overboard i can except that.

You said this was a laptop? If so the only two upgrade paths are RAM and SSD. If you’re hurting for space, SSD is the obvious choice. Otherwise, if you want more freedom with games (or whatever else you intend to run), RAM is the better choice. That’s the one downside with laptops, the upgrade paths are almost nonexistent.

If this is a PC rig and you’re being reimbursed, a 4080 Super might just be your best bet for longevity. The bottlenecks on a 10900k vs. 12/13/14900k are almost the same, so in the end the slowest component, the DDR4 RAM, is the biggest bottleneck. But I say that with the knowledge that nothing can truly feed a 4080/90 class GPU outside of some super niche scenarios.

Harrison Jones?
I’ve been getting that popup on mine.

I keep getting it even on alts who haven’t opened their Garrisons yet. Guess he will be there waiting for them when they do.