[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days




I received an Emergency Alert regarding the fires in Jasper National Park tonight, Darthwraith.

Kind of odd why I received an alert as well since I reside about a 5-6 hours drive away from Jasper National Park. Hoping everyone makes it out safely. This fire season is looking to be worse than last year and the year before now.


My brother that did fire investigations said this hes confused.
The Alberta wildfire app doesn’t even show it… which is weird cuz it’s run by the Alberta Wildfire Control Center (AWCC)… and to have a small window of 5 hour prediction is weird too. They are capable of 3 days predictions. Nothing makes sense about this.


I checked the BC Wildfire App on my phone tonight and there is no mention of this either. However, DriveBC shows that Highway 16 is closed from Highway 5 in BC to Edmonton, AB. Reason showing as forest fires for the closure.

I do know a bunch of thunderstorms in the past few hours have been hitting central and northern, BC. Pretty sure the Jasper area got hit by these storms as well. So this may be the reason why the prediction is so low for timing wise.


@Darthwraith: Province of Alberta just released an update on the Jasper National Park fire.

The wildfire is not expected to reach the Jasper townsite in five hours as previously stated now. However, They want the Town of Jasper to be fully evacuated in the next five hours.


If wind gusts can sustain a fire at or near the speed of the gusts and they’re >75 KPH, that’s all it will take to reach you, which is why you’re getting the alert.

Definitely a wise precaution, given fires can pick up speed at the drop of a hat (or tree).


This has become my default setting. I rarely leave the house except to go to work. All shopping is at the 24-hour grocery at 3am, or on Amazon.

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They’re telling us here in Michigan that we’ll be seeing some smoke from the Canadian fires for the rest of the week, at least. Which should give us some nice sunrises and sunsets, but it won’t be great for people with breathing issues.

It’s super foggy this morning, with visibility less than a block at times while we were having our morning walk.

We’ll be spared the smoke down here in California but we’ll be getting a pretty nasty heat wave. Seems none of us can catch a break these days.

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Fired up tales of symphonia on PS5 for patch day. i know it will take days to beat that game , thats ok. Great program though, then again I enjoy most of the tales games. Favorates being Symphonia, Arise and Abyss.

That must be why my eyes are burning today.

Had the new furnace/ac installed yesterday. It took all day but it’s up and running. Perfect timing. Now, I have to put back all the stuff we had to move for the install.

Oh, pvc pipe cement smells awful and they used a bunch of it. So does a new furnace when they first fire it up. It has to burn off all the coatings. On second thought maybe that’s why my eyes burn. :eyes:

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I swam through the yard to mow it I think. Got the last section done despite the humidity. So pleased with myself still! Only minor issues with asthma today, thankfully.

ice beverages for all :bubble_tea: :bubble_tea:


I’ve seen some of you guys here talk about Dole Whip that you get at Disneyland. It sounded delicious so when I saw some in the ice cream section at Meijer I picked up a pack. Haven’t tried it yet though.


I opened the house up today so the deranged felines get some fresh air. Not quite so humid today down this way, so it’s pretty comfortable with just some fans going. My lawn is getting a bit shaggy, I’m hoping it can hold over until my usual lawn maintenance fellow can make it this weekend.


Is there vodka or whiskey?


You know. A mojito would be lovely right about now. I haven’t had one of those in a great while.


You are welcome to add some!

I don’t have wine anymore or a nice glass of chilled dry white would be lovely this evening on the deck. Very very lovely.

Alas, I have ice water, iced sun tea, gatorade, or I can make iced coffee.


I actually have a glass of Rose with some ice cubes in it. Call me a Heathen. :wine_glass: And it came out of a box!


I have a favorite red, comes in box, tastes awesome over ice! :wine_glass: Boxes are great if you don’t want to go through an entire bottle quickly. It stays fresh.