[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

If you’re willing to go through the hackintosh scene, I’ve seen reports of people getting a the web drivers for a GT1030 to run on 11.6

do any of the wonderful peeps in CS land have cats? and know any tips to find a kitty that just seemed to vanish? she’s an indoor only cat and i honestly can’t remember her chunky little self sneaking out but i have searched my house top to bottom and she’s just not anywhere

do you have a set schedule in which you feed her?

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not really, as my schedule is pretty all over the place but usually in the evenings

There’s a few things you can try.

  • If you ever give them treats, shaking the bag can bring them running.

  • If you haven’t scooped a litter box since they pulled a Houdini, bring the litter box outside. It helps get their scent out there.

  • You can also try bringing their food (soft food is better because it smells) or even tuna (though I usually don’t recommend tuna, but again, smell). The downside to this is that is can attract so much more than your own cat.

  • Crinkle toy! If you happen to have one. Or anything that makes that crinkle sound, really. Again, might attract more than your own cat, though.

Good luck! Hopefully they come back soon with no issues.


thanks! i’ll try those when i get home from work in a few… she’s never “run away” from home before and with how hot it is here it worries me more then normal


ok the chunky little gremlin has been located… she was in backyard :roll_eyes:


Generally speaking (unless the cat is VERY obese). If the skull can squeeze through an opening than the rest of the body can.


It’s always an odd coincidence there are ban appeal posts that appear on this subforum a day after a banwave.


I believe we need photos of the tubby tabby.

i’ll have to see if i can upload to igmur so you can see her lol


Oh, that is not even half the ones we usually see when there is a massive ban wave.

More often than not, they come to CS feigning ignorance of the rules, thinking they can trick blizzard.

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I’d argue that it’s not odd at all. Many people are caught off guard when their accounts are actioned (whether or not they’re guilty) and we’ve seen situations where helping people understand the appeal process better, has lead to a reversal of the said account action.

When there are ban-waves, we certainly see an up-tick in posts and often they even are using the same play-book for thing to try in order to “explain” their situation.

That all said, this particular forum is about helping guide people to find the right ticket, explain processes, help with understanding rules and so forth. We should be doing our best not to make assumptions despite whether or not there has been a recent ban wave.


https ://imgur.com/a/38dBSMx


That’s a cute cat.


thank you, her name is Oscar cuz she was a little grouch when i first brought her home and also liked to play in the garbage can lol


My system is a hackintosh. Would love to see what they had to do in order to get those to work. Would love it even more if there was a way to get a 4090 working in macOS. I really wish Apple wasn’t such a horrible company to dev for…

So glad you found your kitty. Nothing would hurt more than losing a beloved pet.

I second that. Must. See. Fwoofball.

You can post a URL by enclosing it in between two grave ` symbols like so:


Which produces:


If you are at trust level 3 you can simply post the URL without the extra step.



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Today was gonna be rainy late this afternoon so decide to go swimming after lunch for couple hours. Ya know, when it is a bit cloudy but not too hot.


I forgot about how misleading cloudy skies can be and now this is me …


Funny thing was in the pool I wasn’t burning and was even fine at the restaurant for an early dinner (yum, pad thai). But soon as we started heading home … bam, burn kicked in.

Luckily it should all calm down and brown nicely – hopefully without too much peeling.


I missed that memo because it was not in my weather. I napped this afternoon, then got up and suited up in work clothes. Walked outside to mow the grass only to find it lightly raining.

I did finish painting the garage man-door yesterday though. It went from a peeling derelict to crisp and white. The tan bits are wood filler. The garage was power washed too between pics - during my washing marathon.


Sorry to hear you were lobstered though. Ouchy :frowning:

With all the outside work I have been doing this spring and summer I have a farmer tan. I avoid the sun as best I can but it happened anyway. I lately got a bottle of body lotion with an SPF15 in it designed for everyday use. So, like the face moisturizer I use, but for my body. Should help me avoid all the random sun exposure just walking around.