[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

When it’s hot, you don’t want to do anything. When it’s cold, you don’t want to do anything outside.


4 characters to 70 on mopremix. The only mounts left to buy are the ToT raid mounts.


I can think of a few things that makes better😋

Very little! All i can think is bugs and bug bites. I also have neighbors, so there is that.

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I’m thinking beaches and beer, bugs haven’t been bad here yet this year.

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The humidity in Texas is much worse the closer you get to the Houston area.

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Is that because they always have a problem.


Once I was in Dallas and it was dry and very hot but also very windy. It was like being in a giant hair dryer.


You can lump south Georgia in that description as well. Especially here at the Swamp (and right above FL state line). The humidity here gets insane at times.


Saw this on one of the local news stations’ website. We do have some regulars from the UP, right? Did the article cover the foods correctly?

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Ouch if u dont have any friends u can gift it to your self i chuckled.

I learned something today.

Thank you for the reminder! I still haven’t made strawberry shortcake yet this summer. This weekend!


Pasties are absolutely correct (except for the fork in the picture - they’re like pizza, you don’t use utensils), even the best place to get them - Letho’s is the best; in fact, I just stopped there just after Memorial Day and had one. For as long as I can remember, it’s been this little “shack” along the side of the road. Walk in, get your pasties at the counter, take 'em outside and eat them (they used to have a counter with stools, but there’s no seating inside anymore). And if you want to experience them yourselves, they do ship them frozen pretty much anywhere in the US. Mom and I actually had pasties for dinner last night; the local Oddfellows organization has a fundraiser every month.

One of our traditions when camping up that way was to grab some smoked whitefish from the fish market at the Straits and eat that for lunch with some cheese and crackers (usually saltines).

Can’t say too much about Cudighi or Trenary Toast, as I’ve never tried either. But Thimbleberry jam is pretty delicious.

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The humidity can get pretty bad here. Could have a day where it can be in the high 20C’s, and it could feel like it is almost 40C

Also, 73% humidity, here to make winter feel colder than winter


Well, Sydney is a coastal city. That’s part and parcel along with sea breezes.

AFAICT, the nearest analogue in North America is Charleston, South Carolina, a coastal city at 33° latitude (north). I understand the climate is similar to what you describe.


Winter? That’s best experienced in central to north Alberta in January. When it’s -40 to -60c and your breath freezes before it leaves your mouth lol.

Hey quick question does blizzard still make the 60 day time cards that walmart and gamestop carries or is that being discontinued.

I have am not certain, Darthwraith. That is usually entirely in the hands of marketing, which doesn’t really interact with Support unless we need to know something in an effort to support it.


Ok wasnt sure i know a regular it was stoped but wanted to see if it was confirmed i apreciate the answer.