[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

That there is a lot of great folks departing this mortal coil in too great of an exodus (still aching from Donald Sutherland). It needs to slow down.


Shelley Duvall earlier this year, too.


Oh yeah, that just happened. :frowning:


Wow richard simmons that sucks. Dr ruth is a little more obscure unless you know.


Vrak it is Saturday, get out of the office and go home to your wife and kids, take them to the beach or play video games, anything but work man.

Will saying raunchy when refering to a deadpool trailer get me into trouble.

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LOL Wife and kidsā€¦ you are funny.

I work Tuesday through Saturday and it would take me over 3 hours to get to the beach from here. I donā€™t know much about Texas beaches. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, it feels like an apt description.


Ok wanted to make sure i wasnt breaking any rules.

Nope. Really something that mild, if I thought the wording was risque I would likely just edited out.


Vrak come to Canada, land of unlimited water and ice. And apparently right now more heat and storms.

I kinda figured as much cheers offers a ice cold slurpee.

Whoa, whoa, whoa there champ. There are actual forum rules against having too many Canucks on the CS forums at any given time.

True story!


Reports are coming in that trump may have been hit by gunfire at a Pennsylvania rally.

Donā€™t forget along time ago I believe blizz had a development team in Vancouver. Blizzard North was Canadian I think. Been so long.

I mowed the lawn and in that time:

  • Richard Simmons death annoucement
  • Potential kidnapping of Vrak to Canadaland
  • PA rally gunfire? I hope to heck not (I donā€™t wish that on anyone!),

EEEK I really hope nothing more happens today.

Just checked a few headlines:

ā€œTrump rushed off stage by Secret Service as popping noises are heardā€
ā€œSecret service says trump is safeā€


The photo i saw looked pretty real.

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Oh I donā€™t doubt the secret service grabbed him and rushed him off stage.

I just watched itā€¦ they run over, fumble around him, talk to him, he does this whole fist salute thing

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Deffinately looks like he was shot at unless the photo was fake.

Vrak to come to Straya. There is plenty of beaches, plenty of sun, and plenty of rain too.

Well Beta seems to be completely borked for me now. All of my high level characters have lost the ability to skyride. So without the Pathfinder completed I am grounded.

Just funny that the level 31 bank alt I copied over to grab pet charms can skyride without issue.

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