[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

That place is so relaxing.

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Right and hopefully it will be a nice warm summer for alot of them.

SpaceX just launched another rocket from SoCal.


Iā€™m too used to them to notice. That and someone within a mile is lighting off a firework periodically.

Gota rescue those astronauts one way or the other.

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Just think, tomorrow, you only have to step outside at dusk to see one of the largest fireworks shows in the world.


Gonna clean the garage the next week. Not looking forward to it as we are getting 100F+ temps and no rain to be seen, Well, that might not be true as we got TS Beryl making an appearance.

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While cleaning the garage is admirable, is there a REASON it needs to be done when it is so hot? I did mine this week in 80 degree temps and was dripping sweat everywhere. I would not do that to myself again if I could wait for better weather. heh.

I have only told a few people IRL that I got the vintage bike. My parents and sister were pretty neutral or pleased. My brother in law, former housemate, and former boss/family friend all instantly asked me about a helmet and offered to either find a spare to give me or buy me one. Like, it was the first thing they said and I did not bring it up.

I know I am accident prone but really? It is not a law to have them for adults where I live and I am not going on the real roads! Just staying on quiet neighborhood streets. I guess the first thought everyone had related to me on a bike is that I am going to kill myself.

I did go for a small ride this morning early. I did not die! I did not even get hurt.


These two things should not go together.

I figure itā€™s just like riding a motorcycle - I may be the safest person out there, but all it takes is one person not paying attention. Iā€™ve had enough near-misses on my morning walks that Iā€™ve really loaded up on safety gear. High-vis/reflective shirts and jackets werenā€™t enough, so I got one for the doggo, too. Those werenā€™t enough, so I got a strobe light thatā€™s visible 5+ miles. That seems to have been enough, as Iā€™ve not had any close calls in quite a while. In fact, my neighbor, who is the fire chief, told me the department is getting some of those lights for their crews to use when working traffic accidents.


Finally sucked it up and went yesterday to get all of my bi-annual blood work and labs collected. To celebrate it (and the end of ā€œbehaving myselfā€ ahead of said tests), I treated myself. God bless the USA. Weā€™ll see what I can get accomplished while running through this sugar high.


Tried to link one of the photos, but could not. Someone add pleaseā€¦


Happy 4th!



I wish they sold coffee shirts.


Grabbed one and uploaded it to Imgur for easier linking:


Iā€™ve had a couple of freak accidents on a bicycle, I wouldnā€™t go anywhere without a helmet.

One where I hit my head too. I wasnā€™t moving quickly in either caseā€¦ freak accidents.


I am free!!


Just watched the recent Kong vs Godzilla film. Good popcorn movie.

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This weeks the boys was bizzare and i thot last season party episode was whacked.

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Itā€™s hilarious at all the people wasting their illegal fireworks here in L. A. by shooting them off while it is still full on daylight outside.