[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

Oh no! That was some serious wind. We get that line of storms or something similar tonight. Today is terrible hot and humid with a heat index through the roof - but will cool off with the storms. Going to remember your situation and make sure to move anything that can blow over to a safe place.

Can your green tomatoes be used for a pickled relish or for fried green tomatoes?

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Most were cherry tomatoes. I picked them all up and will do something with them.

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Want more rain?

We need just a garden variety rain. We don’t need a Noah’s Ark kind of rain.


Yes please. Where I live we NEED a week or more of just showers like that. Gentle rain in solid amounts over a week would be PERFECT.


Oh, these are only a few patchy showers. This is nothing compared to what we have really been getting here.

What ever happened to a good old-fashioned all-day rain? :thinking:


Well, it does rain all day, but

I keep singing the rain song and it stops raining for like 5 minutes before it rains again then I have to sing it again.

For those who need rain, don’t worry. It should be on its way
I washed my car today, sooooooo


We got some here, and it’s almost nice today. Customer complained the sun wasn’t out and I was thinking, yeah, let’s be sorry we’re not being fried? Tomorrow, heat index 108 so I guess he’s getting his wish.


We got almost a trace. Just enough to wet the bottom of the rain gauge.

I think we had wind chill this morning, and tomorrow morning will be a bit colder. I went out for my morning walk, dressed in my usual shorts and t-shirt; it was a bit cold to start, but 20 minutes in, I was warmed up and mostly fine.

Vrak keeos snoring keep8ng the rain away sorry vrak.

when I was still at Discord and we launched an experiment for us to upload custom notifications, I did ICQ noises to my employee client XD

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Cold Lake dog show was amazing with Mimic taking a group 3 and a group 2 placement. He earned 9 more points toward his grand champion title. He is at 19 of 20 points.


The easy way to enter a pretty URL like, for example, https://www.duckduckgo.com is to stick a couple of unused HTML tags in it.

For the above URL, the source looks like:

The easy way to enter a pretty URL like, for example, ht<em></em>tps://www.duckduckgo.com is to stick a couple of unused HTML tags in it.

For the above URL, the source looks like:

The emphasis tags are styling tags, but don’t actually apply to anything. What they do accomplish is trick the forum’s parser.

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I think I have a Maker addiction

Just bought a 20W CO2 Laser cutter/engraver and a FDM 3d Printer. That makes it a total of three 3d printers, 2 resin and now one filament.


I need to look into 3d printing my character in wow and what it entails. I wish that one company was still around and maybe I could pick their brains.

Feel free to 3d print me a new house. We have to replace the furnace/air in this one. $10,000. Ouch. The old furnace/air was 25 years old though, so it served us well. Until the air went out on one of the hottest and most humid days of the season so far. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Mimics second place in group win.


Can someone with TL 3 post my images from my 2 posts?