[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

Thanks guys. I not entirely sure if we have them in Canada, maybe more to the east we do. Not in the Edmonton or Calgary areas.

No they dont theyve avoided canada so far.

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Yes. Very unusual. They pay store clerks to round up all the stray carts and bring them back to the front of the store. The most usually offered is a cart corral to voluntarily put your cart in so it does not blow around the parking lot. Aldi never has loose carts because of the quarter thing. It was a big enough deal in the US that news media ran stories about the whole ā€œhave to unlock your cart with a quarterā€ thing.

The carts take Canadian quarters too, heh. It is not about the money, just about having some value for putting them back.

Yeah. I pay attention to sales and go to the store that has the best deal on the major things I need - meat, dairy, produce, occasionally dry goods. I know what the sales rotations are so I know what to hold off buying until the sale and can save time and money.

I rarely go to Aldi, but was really surprised that my local one has remodeled and the quality of the produce and such was a LOT better than it was the last time I had been in. Fantastic grapes and strawberries at prices that were way below supermarket on those particular things. Other stuff is close enough to supermarket sales, or the same, that I donā€™t go often.

Wait, quarter thing? You talking about the coin slot for shopping trollies?

We have to use a $2 coin here.

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Yes. The coin slot on the shopping cart. That is not something you usually see in the US. We have rogue carts out hunting cars to hit as a result. Only to be rounded up by cart cowboys in cheap brightly colored vets looking miserable in the heat/cold.

I recently saw tracking devices installed on some of the free range carts. Quite interesting as a way to track their migrations.


Reminds me of this story on A Current Affair the other night.

You have coins larger than a quarter?

All grocery store in my home town donā€™t use coin buggies including where i work.

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Yeah, apperantly. According to what I found on Google, our $1 coin is about the same size as a quater, which means, the $2, 5c and 10c coins are smaller, where the 20c and 50c coins are larger.

One more mount to buy from the bronze vendor. Spawn of Horridon

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I used to (and very rarely still get stuck with it) work as a supervisor and I hated dealing with carts. They give you 2 courtesy clerks and then want carts off the lot and five other things done and how are you supposed to switch off whoā€™s doing carts if the other one is off cleaning something, but I hate sending people out in the weather at all. We have a few people who prefer to just do carts all day, but you canā€™t let them when the heat index is 105. Every time I have to deal with carts, Iā€™m like, please please can we switch to the Aldi way?

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Im using all my bronze on mounts making good progress mount count is increasing.

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I was going to say something about that being weird that your $2 is smaller than $1, and then I remembered that our dimes (10c) are smaller than pennies, and tiny compared to nickels (5c). And our half dollar is bigger than current dollar coins, although itā€™s smaller than the dollars designed in the same era. They didnā€™t redesign the half dollars when they did the dollars (either time) because theyā€™re just not used much any more. So much so that when I find one, itā€™s been so long since the last one that Iā€™m like, dang, I forgot how huge these things are! And thatā€™s how rarely I find one even though my job involves handling lots of coins.

Annnnd done! All mounts purchased. Just bought Mr. Smiteā€™s Compass with the spare bronze. Going to start buying SoO Mytic sets.


Should we be worried about the wow player base the waggle mega thread is just bizareā€¦

You read it? If I go into a mega thread (doesnā€™t happen often thankfully), I just put it on autoscroll and go do something else.

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Scrolled thru it not read but should we be worried and about 20+ threads to get posts read up.

Our Safeways I think were a loonie. In wetaskiwin i know of one store that still charges to use the carts, but there always getting stolen.

Iā€™ve avoided that thread all the time. Too bizarre to even enter.

I mostly hit many small threads regularly. That way it covers the threads viewed as well as the posts ā€œreadā€. I will sometimes hit a large thread just to ensure my ā€œreadā€ count is covered.

For example, right now since Iā€™m just fishing to fill up the Empty Fish Barrel for the Otto mount, Iā€™m also going through the low reply count posts in the TWW Beta forum in between casts.

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