[CS Lounge] Summer time sunny days

I have a couple of those…


Lol, it is not what I meant to type, but it is TRUE. My blisters and bruises attest to that. I am constantly covered in paint, rust, WD40, dirt, water, etc. I have bruises, cuts, busted knuckles, blisters. I am making a LOT of progress though!


Ugh, when you want to sleep by can’t…


WoW and dogs is way better than sleep.


It is like 3.30am here. My partner is snoring like always, and like, it just feels like sleeping right next to a frieght train. It is loud.


i wouls recommend noise canceling earbuds, if you gots them.


Me like cute doggie.

Me hope doggy ok with storms.


That one’s my pup. :smiley: Ayukama just linked my pic, since I don’t have TL3 back yet (I probably have tons of topics to read to get that back).

Mostly, unless there’s really loud thunder, which she thinks might be fireworks (which she absolutely HATES!). She does like to have me close at hand to “protect” her, though.


Dog show in Cold Lake, Alberta this weekend. Getting Mimic all washed up looking perfect. He’s gonna get another Best of Breed or better again.


My husband was the world’s worst snorer. I slept on the couch downstairs. He got a cpap machine and no longer snores. I still sleep on the couch downstairs. The whooshing machine isn’t much better. I’m a light sleeper.


I said all that about maintenance forcing me to do maintenance myself, and then the universe, or at least AT&T, said, ha ha ha, do more maintenance. Phone service, including Internet, which is also how I play WoW, broke about the time I was going to start playing. So I’m going to Aldi after all, because I had to come this far from my house anyway to find out if the problem was widespread or local or just my phone. :woman_shrugging:


What’s aldi?

Low price grocery store, originated in Europe, but now many places in the US. Almost everything they sell is their house brand.


The most amazing low price grocery store ever. They also have an aisle of housewares each week that many people find irresistible. Also known for having carts that require a quarter to unlock and you get the quarter back when you put the cart back in the corral.

Started in Germany I think but has a worldwide presence.

I try to stay out of I would spend too much money in the affectionately nicknamed “aisle of shame”. That is the weekly house/garden finds aisle. I don’t need more stuff no matter how cute it is! Talking about you garden table! turns back on it

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Is the quarter thing unusual in the United States? They’re all over the place in my faraway, exotic country.

Ugh, some of their house brands here is awful. But it is quite cheep with all the good stuff though.

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I thot it was internet.

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I like some things fine, others not. The best prices for me are on produce.

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The best prices I found is on frozen foods. Rest, I just either go to Coles or Woolworths.

I work at a non-Aldi grocery store. I get some discounts there, and it’s more convenient, so I mostly shop there. I buy store brands where I work, both because I get a discount, and because I’m cheap and would anyway, outside the few cases where I don’t like the store brand enough. I’m not making a special trip to Aldi to save maybe 5 cents on the store brand. But produce can be like 2/3 the cost there as it is in my store. That’s worth it sometimes.