[CS LOUNGE] Springing Forward

Well played.



(Apparently the forum doesn’t like me just posting the above because it isn’t a complete sentence?!?)



How is that possible? Did he just let it sit in water? Did he never season it?! The tragedy!

I honestly wish I knew. But he showed it to me one day and it was pitted on the edges and completely covered in rust. He said, “Do you think this is still usable?” I was like, “Dude… how the… I don’t even…” LOL

Crazy. A good scrub with steel wool/sos pad should take care of the rust. Assuming the pitting doesn’t impact the pan, just season it and it might be good.

Hats off to the husband for his destructive capabilities.


That boy can destroy just about anything. I keep telling him we need to sign up for testing cookware for companies so they actually know how durable their stuff is. :rofl:


great way to defy their logic.

“we spent YEARS working on this to ensure it was resistant to ALL wear and tear, yet you STILL managed to wreck it in such a short time frame?!”



Yep! That’s my hubby! :grin:


Can I cook the Meepits? They are always up to something.

Just got home from the Beyond King Tut exhibit. It was amazing!

We did the VR part that had you sit in a chair that moved around so you got the full experience while “flying” around Egypt and exploring his tomb.

I had never done VR til today. Definitely took some getting used to with the chair moving and the flying around the pyramids.


My first experience with VR was a virtual escape room that I did with some friends. The result…upon getting home I immediately ordered one.

I imagine virtual tours of museums would be amazing. Getting to go to places that you’d likely never get to go. There is a google earth app, which is rather flat as it is based on google earth pictures, but it was still pretty cool jumping around the globe.


Vr escape rooms can be somthing i did a assasins creed one climbing the inside of a pyramid solving puzzels.

On a side note sawthe new transformers was deffinately worth it.


We have an Oculus, but I had been hesitant to do anything with VR cause I get motion sickness easy. I would close my eyes when we did the Spiderman & Back to the Future rides at Universal. I even close my eyes in game if my character is having to fall a long distance. I closed my eyes a few times with the King Tut VR stuff as it was a bit overwhelming at first.

I am hoping I can do some of the stuff with the Oculus now. It seems like there are a lot of fun things to do with it outside of just games.


I now have my small greenhouse inside my house. It was under the barn and tethered to the fence. Storm came through and it ended up in my backyard. It crossed a 6 foot fence to get there.

Winds were very strong earlier … bending our large pecan trees and sounded like a train coming through.

Our area has been hit with really bad storms this week … signs obliterated, windows exploded, trees uprooted, down power lines. We still have areas without power.


I started out slow with it, allowing my brain to get used to the idea of “moving” without moving. For instance, I don’t use the control stick to turn, I stand in my VR area and turn myself.

I know having a fan blowing at you helps give your body a sense of physicality that can help avoid motion sickness. You can also move your limbs to walk in place, etc… There’s a few videos out there with folks who have advice on how to help. The biggest one is don’t push yourself too far, as that can make you more hesitant to jump into VR.

The first game I played was this gorgeous game called Lone Echo, where you are floating in zero gravity. You move by pulling and pushing yourself on objects around you. The second game was Half-life: Alyx (amazing game) for PC VR, I used teleport movement, but I can now use normal movement without any issues.

Stay away from roller coaster games, if you have issues on rides, those will definitely do you in. :nauseated_face:


The only roller coaster I could handle at Universal was the Woody Woodpecker one. I have passed out on a Ferris wheel before. Rides and me just don’t get along it seems.

I know we have Beat Saber – which seems like it would be okay since you pretty much just stay in one spot.

My mother gets motion sickness pretty easily and she doesn’t have any issues in Beat Saber. You aren’t really moving in that one, things are just coming at you and you can adjust the graphics in game to tone that down.

Hopefully you can get used to VR movement, there are some amazing games out there.