[CS LOUNGE] Springing Forward

Yeah, I was just reading through the comments:

'Once you have completed the storyline, you will find two additional quests available from Kalecgos - these will only appear if you have the staff on that character.

They are called “Forget Her Not” and “Love Unending”. Finish these and hand them in and you’ll get the last quest called “Rhapsody in Blue”. This quest will reward you with the Lingering Echo of Tarecgosa.’

I guess that answers my question. Guess I’ll have to level my druid. THANKS BLIZZ. :wink:

Well, again, it’s only a QoL update for staff owners. It’s not a new mount.

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I never thought it was a new mount. I thought it was a color variant.

I would argue that it does count as a new mount though as it increased my mount count in the mount journal upon learning it. It is listed as a mount by Blizzard and other entities.

It appears in the mount journal of your other characters and if they complete the Rhapsody in Blue quest, they would then also be eligible to use the mount .


I will have to say I agree with this wholeheartedly. I have been waiting 8 years to free up that bag slot, lol.


It counts, but it’s only for staff users.

They need the staff in order to get the quest.

We asked for two things over the years:

  1. make it so we don’t have to carry the staff in our bags
  2. add it to mount collections for ease of use

They did just that. :smiley:



No different to me than the other mounts with restrictions (such as the profession ones).

And for that I am thankful.


First Gloom Spawn kill!


a wild merd appeared! regnyl used Tasha’s Hideous Laughter:

did you hear about the pig that opened a pawn shop? its called ham hocks.


Today is my 43-wedding anniversary. My how time flies. :grin:

Making chicken soup to celebrate. We don’t really do anything special. (Except going out to eat every Friday)

It’s dry and warm here. Really dry. We had 3 days of a trace of rain all this month and no rain in sight for the rest of the week. It feels like we are heading into an early drought. We are usually soggy in the spring. This year not at all. Allergies have been awful as well. Nothing to wash the pollen out of the air. :sneezing_face:


Happy anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful day and here’s to many more! :clinking_glasses: :tada: :confetti_ball:

It’s been raining all around us for months and we’ve gotten hardly any of it, it’s been really strange lol. I hope you get rain soon and some relief for your allergies!



Cloudy with a chance of rain today thunderstorms tommorow. This time next week ill be in palm springs.


:scream: I’m seeing tree fuzzies floating past the window. Not that! It’s too soon for tree fuzzies. Next will be the pine tree yellow pollen dump.

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There was a ton of both up in Mid Michigan last week. My poor car was green by the time I started back south.

And happy anniversary!


Pollen has been taking a dump here for the past few weeks, it’s killing me. My car is black but has a full coating of yellow, even after it rains.


Hope all enjoying the week so far and had good luck on your vaults today! I got myself a iLevel 428 cloak from my vault which was a major upgrade!

Also, I did some upgrades on my gaming PC today. Upgraded my RTX 2060 graphics to an RTX 3060. Also upgraded my RAM from 16GB to 32GB.


Nice! If I recall, we were running the same Acer system just around when the pandemic hit, so the 3060 is a nice upgrade along with the memory.

There’s not a lot more that will fit in that rig!

Personally, I ended up building my own machine this year and am super-happy with it.

In fact, my son is now loving my 2060 in his PC, which it’s an excellent match. It even even outperforms my old PC due to his specific setup!

LOL one of the comments for feast of souls gingers dont count they dont have souls.

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A note for the Papa V - I miss you. <3


Back at you. <3