[CS LOUNGE] Springing Forward

yeah, i’m like 3 tasks away or something? was looking into the mythic+ stuff, but i don’t think i’m able to do them on account of either not being high enough in level, or geared enough. :confused:

the 25 dungeon boss one though…that might be doable. even if i have to do them on my Monk, get the extra exp for her and clear it out. i’ve already got the sea turtle and poseidon mounts as well as the darkmoon sea ray(?) so i feel comfortable with fast water mounts for the time being.

If you haven’t done them already, you can do 25 raid bosses. They don’t have to be current. Take the appropriate class on them as a transmog run. Two birds with one stone.


Just create a orc or human for heritage armor and boom dungeon.

If anyone needs Murglasses Need to Be Celebrated (worth 50 points), just message me in game and I can meet you somewhere.

Btag: sakera#1543


Once again this is why i like the lounge we got each others back oh the 3 falls in is hidded under zarlek caverns NW corner of azure span.


i actually did running blackwing lair and molten core, trying to get the last remaining pieces for the tier 1 and 2 hunter set. :stuck_out_tongue:

kyzera’s gonna help me with the murglasses one. it’ll at least put me at the halfway mark. i’ll at least have some tokens banked up for next month so that should be good.

I asked my wife, “Do you know a three letter word for ‘eggs’?”

Her: It’s ova.

Me: Why? Is it because I’m terrible at crosswords?


RIP Michel Côté

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what happened?

Aparently he passed away no details.

It was a very nice week Up North, even though it was a working vacation. I came back yesterday, so I could skip the traffic; hardly anyone on the road yesterday, though there were a lot of police watching speed - fortunately, they were all looking the “other way.” :wink: I did almost get some venison twice, though, when deer crossed the highway in front of me. And I saw a bald eagle flying, too, so… cool!

Some curious things about the return trip, though. I drove exactly 700 miles, the odometer ended at 105000 miles, and I had 100 miles of range left in the gas tank. How bizarre.

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thats tragic.

Did my civic duty and voted yay.


certainly been an interesting 24 hours here. forest fires in my county, causing evacuations of nearby towns. from what i saw on a map, its just outside mine, but i’m still keeping a close eye on reports and such.

Definitely. I lived in the area of the fires back in the '70s.

Does anyone know if I can get the Tarecgosa’s Rest blue color on a character that doesn’t have the staff? My Druid hasn’t unlocked dragon flying yet (he has the staff) but my hunter has.

How does your hunter have it unfortunately ur druid wouldve had to earn it to get it.

What I’m asking is can I unlock the blue color variant on my hunter, when it’s my Druid who actually has the staff in his inventory. Or would I have to do the quest line on the Druid?

I’m confused. What color variant?

Upon completing this quest line you unlock lingering echo of tarecgosa, but only if you have the staff. I do have the staff, I’m just wondering if I can unlock the lingering echo on a character who does not have the staff

Char A: Has Staff

Char B: Does not have staff, does questline to unlock lingering echo

Does char A now have lingering echo unlocked? That’s the gist of my question.

To explain better:

Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest is a legendary staff that must be in your bags to transform into the drake. Blizzard just added a QoL improvement for owners of the staff so that they do not have to keep the staff in their bags any longer, they can just use the transform from the mount menu.

This is not a new mount. It is not account wide. It’s just a QoL update for staff owners. You must have the staff to unlock the update and there is no color variant, it’s the same thing.

All they did was cut out the middle man so that we don’t have to carry the staff to transform.

So yes, you can only get this unlock on the character that has the staff, because it’s only for them.

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