[CS LOUNGE] Springing Forward

I finally finished one character to the end of the main quest chain in Dragonflight to open the scouting table for alts on my EU account. Still only half-way through 69 because I didn’t do most of the side-quests. I did it on an Evoker I created the first free-weekend. I suck at playing Evoker even more than I do playing Demon Hunter.

corrected character level

Edit 2:
changed it back because I was right the first time


The only thing that matters is having fun and enjoying your game play.


Instead, I was stubborn and finished the chain on my Evoker.


Still in forbiden reach toghast kept me busy

think the most i’ve got on a single character, is around 1400g…but that’s mostly from selling Horde cooking recipes on Alliance side.


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Tomorrow I turn 42. Or as others would say, I’ve officially turned 21 twice now.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


You will be the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything! :smiley:


Watching player videos of LOZ TOK and im going what is wrong with people.

Does anyone have any forum threads handy about the introduction of Suffusion Camps?

I can’t recall if the secured shipment was supposed to be spec-specific or not.

Maybe it just hasnt shiped yet drops mic.

Still in The Forbidden Reach myself. Been working on some achievements there as of late. Hoping to get it all done soon here however!

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son: i’m tired…
father: at least you’re not a bicycle, then you’d be two-tired.

son: why is that toast in a cage?
father: it was bread in captivity.




think i made a grievous error. :grimacing: i tried to reactivate my sub earlier today, and despite it confirming my purchase, it still said “subscription expired” so i waited a few hours and see if any thing changed.

it didn’t, so i thought “hmm. maybe i didn’t actually confirm my purchase” so i tried again…still nothing has come out, or changed. but after reading an old thread about how it can take up to 24 hours for it to go through, now i’m greatly worried that i paid twice for a single month. :slightly_frowning_face:

got a ticket open atm, so hoping things can be resolved, otherwise i may end up being short on bill payments. :worried:

edit: okay, a GM did respond and hoping i submitted a response with the attached file properly…though its not showing up on my end. :confused:

If you are just setting up a subscription you can’t double purchase. You’d only be able to do that if you were purchasing a block of game time.

The 24 hours is usually for gifted time from someone else. You may also have starter edition restrictions for up to 24 hours for new accounts, but your account would otherwise be active.

I’m not seeing any recent purchases or subscriptions, Regnyl. I don’t think you successfully set up a subscription. A subscription should be applied almost immediately.


yeah, the GM said the same thing how it wasn’t showing up on their end. i thought “that would explain why there’s no transaction showing up on my account”, but it showed “Subscribed: World of Warcraft® Subscription - 1 Month Next Payment: now” after i paid for it…even though nothing came out and nothings gone through. :thinking: :confused:

gonna wait for the next response and go from there. i may also wait till tomorrow and see if any thing does go through.

edit: gonna give it another 24 hours and check back. if nothing went through, i may wait till Monday before trying again, just to be safe.


Please horde are disney princeses

whoever originally made that meme, i’m just gonna say that person, isn’t entirely wrong. but then again, i also mostly main Alliance. occasionally i play Horde however, just…not as often. takes a sip of coffee

edit: on a side note, a GM advised me to delete my payment info and add it back on, so i did…i got a different order number than before, so i checked past purchases and lo and behold, it showed up. i checked the launcher, and it didn’t say “subscription expired”, checked my bank account…yup! the money was taken out for a 1 month sub.

was finally able to transfer things to my Pandaren Monk on Horde side…though i won’t be doing any faction changing till at LEAST early Jul when i get my GST. still though, it gives me time to finish up any side stuff on Horde side, like Orgrimmar’s cooking/fishing dailies…may even decide to knock out Thunder Bluff’s and possibly Undercity as well, just for the heck of it. :grin:

so after looking at some old characters, i decided to keep an old hunter and will race change him to a night elf eventually…the monk will faction over to alliance come july…though i may keep her as a pandaren, still not sure yet. :thinking:


Well that takes care of travelers log for the month had to do the hearthstone one once i found the lnn.