[CS LOUNGE] Springing Forward

I would say that context in how it is used is important to that decision. When it is clearly used in place of another word that is most definitely inappropriate, then I would consider its use inappropriate as well.

But Blizzard is of course, the final arbiter in those matters.


People use it in place of the other f-word.

Sooo… personally for me it’d come down to the individual’s demeanor.

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It’s used in placement of a swear word as Ama said. It became popular because of Battlestar Galactica. It was used during prime time TV in place of it so that it could be used without being offensive but still getting the meaning across. Same way Firefly used “gorram.” Same reason people use “fudge,” as well.

I just wasn’t sure if that was part of our “no no” list. Before I use it somewhere. LOL

Considering the tone of the post thats how i interpreted it.

I’m not talking about a post. Just genuinely curious about the word. Got me thinking about myself, that’s all.

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crawls out from the pillow fort, sporting a beard that would make a wizard jealous

good grief, how long was i out? =_= refills his tankard and grabs a bite to eat


dives into pillow fort!

gotta wait a week before i can possibly renew. got back into Classic Wrath with the 7 days free time, now i find myself wanting to play it more. .-.

also, made this:


seems like it fit the bill. :grin:

looks back yeah, you might wanna air it out a bit. been snoozing in there for the last 6 months…or so. takes a sip from his tankard

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Bahahahaha I loved that movie. :rofl:

Here’s your image!


King Arthur’s court of Camelot contained a bunch of various Knights, such as Sir Bedeviere, the knight of Chivalry, and Sir Galahad, the knight of Bravery, and Sir Talos, the Knight of Combat. But he also had a Knight of Spices, named Sir Racha.


Me: i can cut a piece of wood just by looking at it.
Friend: how?
Me: i saw it with my own eyes.




Ugh so smokey and hazy from the forest fires its even a little smokey in costco.


been waiting to use this one on ya ruffle! :grin:


Helpin’ out!


I’ve always been hesitant to use euphemisms, puns, jokes, and extreme sarcasm.

Also, words that look or sound like bad words had me actioned once.

Good thing English isn’t my second language because if it were like Spanish and choosing the verb “to catch” a bus for example would be inappropriate in one country but not another.

Context is important, but lately it’s been indiscriminately draconian zero tolerance. Also, one person gets flagged but others do not for breaking the same forum etiquette.

So, for that reason, I always feel like I’m dancing on egg shells on this forum awaiting that dreaded green highlight over my avatar. I’m writing everything twice and double checking my content.

I’ve deleted puns because I have had one of those feelings it wasn’t not going to be received correctly or by my intended audience.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


Making Pickled Jalapenos tonight.


There was also the knight for snakes, Sir Pentine. The knight for bad moods, Sir Lee. The knight of shapes, Sir Comference.