[CS LOUNGE] Springing Forward

So if a Blue happens by at some point … could one of you please tell me where to find this character? I cannot find them. :woman_shrugging: Thanks!

Fiiiiiiinally. Playstation Showcase scheduled for next Wednesday, only two years or so after the last one.

Talk about suspense.

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Well I learned something today folks.

I learned that the bottles of Kombucha I normally buy can’t safely be put straight into the freezer if they’ve previously been sitting in the fridge for over a week.

I’ve recently gotten a new fridge as the old one I had in the unit I rent had a issue with the door not closing properly. My property manager finally got a replacement organized except the new one has less room in it then my old fridge. So I thought I could just move the Kombucha bottles “upstairs” to the freezer compartment on the theory that I could just defrost any bottles I wanted to drink.

Wellllll… that didn’t turn out so well. They exploded :frowning: .

Wondered what that odd noise that sounded like someone was throwing stuff at my windows was earlier…


Lol sorry that sucks.


I’m sorry this happened. Hopefully one day you’ll look back and laugh. I’ve done things similar that I can laugh at myself about now!

You all probably already know, but if not, a little advice, don’t put glass casserole dishes on hot burners! The results are quite messy.


Tonight I get to go see a movie that should have been titled differently. It should be called

FastTen: Your Seatbelts

instead of Fast X.


I passed taking my Paramedic State final. Got another crazy medic on the road now!

I hate standardized tests, but it’s over! Woot

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


WOOOO!!! Grats!!! Welcome to the thin white line! :white_heart:


Yay grats! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


That smoke is drifting over us here in Michigan. We’re getting some crazy beautiful sunsets from it. Air quality is a bit off though.

Oh, my tomato plants got to spend the night in the living room. We had frost coming so we hauled them indoors, planters and all. It was cozy. :tomato:




So when will you be serving up them good ole mater sandwiches?

We have quite a bit of tomato plants going as well. Just hoping they all turn out well and cannot wait for sandwiches. Lightly toasted bread, mayo, salt/pepper, and thick slice of homegrown mater … YUM!! With the occasional slice of bacon of course.


Fried green tomatoes!


Yep. My seed trays spent the night on the counter, although it was not quite frost level here. I have volunteer tomatoes! They are actually doing really well and are in the right garden location so I am just going to see what I get.

Hope the rest of your garden did not suffer any cold dmg!


Missouri, too. We’ve had a grey but sunny sky for at least the last couple days. Not sure about the sunsets though, since I’m usually in bed before then (I get up at 4). And Sunday through Tuesday, we got more than three inches of much needed rain. We should get a little more tomorrow.

I got an undercoat “rake” for the doggo - It’s amazing how much fur I combed out of her today. Her coat looks a lot better now.

I get to work the afternoon shift tomorrow, to cover my co-worker who has a doctor’s appointment. Then on Saturday, load up the car and head up north for a week. It’s a working vacation, though, since it’s mainly to haul some stuff up there to make next month’s move a little easier.

Try lightly broiling those 'maters (use a toaster oven if you have it). It adds to the flavors.


A favorite tomato recipe: cut in half, spread mayo on the cut surface, add good Parmesan cheese and breadcrumbs, probably some salt & pepper. Broil until the cheese melts and browns. As I’m typing this, I’m thinking it would be excellent to mix fresh garlic into the mayo first, but I haven’t tried that.


I just realm transferred a character with an heirloom in her bags.

Seemed to work alright? Maybe it doesn’t trip the system anymore? She arrived safe and sound, anyway.

Her name had to be changed but for her, it wasn’t an ordeal.

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Hasn’t yet been updated in the Support Article, if so. Would be a nice thing to know, particularly since its hot on the heels of the name release policy.

Offers popcorn and bertie bots every flavor drink 25% of ear wax to celebrate a quiet friday night.

Is “frack” now considered inappropriate language around here? I’ve seen it used a lot everywhere since it became a thing. Just curious.