[CS LOUNGE] Shadowstepping into the Shadowlands

That just adds to the adventure and excitement!

The food will respawn in the same spot as you found it initially. Also, so long as you have placed the food in its correct spot already, it doesn’t matter if it despawns before you are done.

When working retail I could get shall we say bitter at people that would get angry we were out of stock on something during the holidays. I may have been heard a time or two on the 24th saying if you loved them more you would have come sooner huh? Or some variation thereof

Not my proudest moment. However you can only handle so much what do you mean you are out of stock 20 minutes before you close on the day before. Sorry we had like 57 of them yesterday


ANDDDDDDDDDD…the residents seem to have won. The administrator at our facility has a big focus and push on food quality etc to help combat weight loss, especially with them mostly eating 3 meals a day in their rooms, and missing out on socialization. It makes a huge deal on their consumption and weight loss, contributes to depression and feelings of isolation, etc.

Kitchen manager had a meeting to present some ideas to her today and the kitchen manager was asked what she thought of me becoming the week day cook. The administrator hears good things about the food from the residents on the weekend, and wants to try it. So my boss said fine, let me skip like 8 things on my list, and then showed her the list. Make him morning cook???

So apparently, starting next month I will be the morning cook, doing breakfast and lunch. I have mixed feelings. Shorter shifts, but getting up at 330 5 days a week. I would then work for nursing on Saturday, thinking 7-7 if they will let me, and then take Sunday off. I could actually watch live football for a change.

But it is happening on a trial basis, so that she can collect some data points and go from there. Is what it is.

Pretty sure my fate was sealed Sunday when she tasted my pork roast and said it was the best thing she has ever tasted cooked out of this kitchen. And the ball was rolling when she was actually there seeing how I work on a menu where I could very easily take a shortcut, but took the longer more difficult way to make it, because it tastes so much better. I can’t not be me though, ya know?


Congrats, Mast!! Here’s hoping this is the start of something beautiful. You just keep being you. :sunflower:

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I posted a meatloaf suggestion on Discord.

Mast. Grats! I enjoyed the breakfast shift. Food is really straightforward and fun to make.

Ruffle, try smoked meatloaf! Yum!

Misbecky, would that cider mill be Yates by chance? I used to live not far from there.

Okay, yeah… I want the cat, Jenafur. Now to find the time. When I read this (gratz Kyzera), I thought, man the CSF should put together a run or two (hint?).

Vrak, hope the move went well and you are now enjoying your new home (with or without flies, that’s up to you :wink:)

Anyway, have a great evening all.


The move went well, though I’m in a temporary place right now. The offer I put on a new place was accepted yesterday, so now I wait… Escrow!


I saw. I want

Only have the picture. My mother sent it to me because I like Hallowe’en-themed food.


As much as I am enjoying and tsting the beta, it feels kinda weird to be tooling around the afterlife. I don’t think Saint Peter would be enthusiastic about me showing up out of the blue, still mortal and commence punching cherubs in the face and looting their bodys.


Hey, some of those cherubs are terrible people.

Ranged-stabbing random innocents and all.


Is telling someone: “May your Taco shells break and crumble” going too far?


Not Yates, Parmenter’s. It’s real close to me. We used to go to Yates when I was younger and lived on the other side of town. :apple:

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Slowly getting this place organized. Still don’t have the new mattress yet. Six more days for that.
Still don’t have internet set up. I need to get the wifi password from the landlady. I don’t have access to her equipment so there’s no way I can dig the password out of files.

Moving is tough. I’ve done it quite a few times. I took me awhile to not wake up in a panic thinking where am I? Lucky for me I’ve plunked down roots and have lived in this house for 35 years.

Runs in.

Starts dancing!

Runs back out.

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The smoke from the fires in the west have arrived. The sky is hazy. It was supposed to be warmer but the haze has kept it cooler. Strange stuff.

Same thing here. Supposed to be sunny and in the 80s. We made it to the 80s, but it doesn’t look like we’ll have a sunny afternoon. Tomorrow will be the hottest day for the rest of the week - the highs are going to drop down to the low 70s and below. That’ll be a nice change.

It’s hard to imagine the smoke from California, Oregon, and Washington is pushing all the way across the US. I wonder if the sunrise/sets will be spectacular on the Lakes.

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We are forecast to have temps in the 70s & 80s over the next week or so. I am very happy to finally have a break from the high temps.