[CS Lounge] Put more characters, in the thing more characters goes in

For sure, I think most retailers are like that. In this instance, they shipped before I see the charge reflected. Just a little worry, is all.

Since I live in the inner city, we get all kinds of church group giving stuff out. I was walking to the Post Office and a van pulled up, Inside I see two elder church ladies.
They asked me if I wanted a lunch, and they gave me a tray of Hungarian Goulash, Green Beans and Strawberry shortcake along with a bottle of ice cold water.


Sounds like a delicious lunch. I really don’t want to cook, but goulash sounds like something to make. Plus, it’s sort of Autumn like weather here (I had to grab a quilt for my bed this morning), so it’s almost perfect timing.


Just got a new awesome gaming computer monitor as an early birthday present. Just finished setting it up. It’s a rather large monitor too and it has 1080p graphics with a 144Hz refresh rate.


I’m green with envy… still 100 degree weather here north of Austin.

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I was just going to post that it feels a bit fallish here. A cool North breeze and low humidity. It just hit 70. I will take it! :+1: It will be back in the high 80’s again by the weekend though.

I am starting to see pumpkin spice flavored stuff in the store. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: It’s a bit too soon for that.

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I always make it a point to just talk to my dad, one thing, he’s 75 and won’t be here for long. Another is to keep his mind going.

So I usually pop over and show him something historical (Like the Danish tv series: 1864) or something about trains. His eyes light up and he just talks about what he knows. Then he’s in a better mood for the rest of the day. I do this everyday, as a mental heath thing for both of us.


I saw Harvest corn candy (the orange-brown-white candy corn) Friday at the store. NOOOOOO!

I suppose it’s better than seeing Thanksgiving and/or Christmas stuff already. If I want to see Christmas stuff in the summer, I’ll go to Bronner’s.

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Spent $60 at the grocery last night, don’t wanna cook any of it. Trying to settle on what to order for take-away.

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I’ve posted a terrible joke to General and nobody gets it. :frowning:


I don’t get it either, sorry.

Oh well. Thanks for trying. <3

Wait. I think I get it, but I don’t want to give it away.

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My semi-educated guess

Navy reference to what SEAL stands for.

Dental appt today was interesting. Wear mask, wait outside, get let in and have temp and O2 levels checked, dentist and asst in full PPE, plastic pane in front of receptionist.

On the plus side, quick and easy. Routine cleaning and a tiny filling in a front tooth needed a little repair. Much better than a few years ago working my way through crowns and root canals and fillings on all sides. (Years of neglect.)


A mix of two, I think. The line is drawn from from another branch’s song, changed back in 1942.

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I just had mine a couple weeks ago. Forgot to grab my mask (I usually keep one in the car). Went in, told them, they basically said no big deal, I went straight back for a quick and easy cleaning. At least mine were wearing full PPE, too. That’s a plus at least. And it was early enough in the day that nobody else was in.

I really need to see the dentist this year. I haven’t been to one in years.

Not playing around today. Busted out the grill for the first time. Picked up a couple of Ribeyes, did some oven roasted potatoes, made some glazed carrots, and French Bread 5 cheese garlic pizza as a garlic bread. Yummay


I got it. Not like the pirate ship. It flies and goes on land fine, but you need water-walking to get it to float.


My wife just threatened very bad things to our son if he touched her leftovers. She made a plate and put it up in the fridge to devour tomorrow. She knew I was not stupid enough to touch hers haha

I think I done cooked a good meal for them.