[CS LOUNGE] Pumpkin Spice, Apple Cider, and Everything Nice

so im part of this upcycling group and someone was giving away a popcorn maker and we already have one and im looking at it and its similar to this and i ask if its a r2-d2 popcorn maker and yep so i ask if its avaible almost had it till the lady daughter told her not to give it away sigh it wouldve gone well with my star wars collection.


We would send new-hires around to different departments looking for a shelf stretcher. Some of the managers were cool and in on it too.

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I swear u belong to the same group i saw a very similar comment lol. I mentioned tire shop should send new hires to recieving to find blinker fluid.


We would also send them to get a key for the manual pallet jacks.

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Or there was a employee button we only knew about on the mobility scooters to make them go faster.

Yikes! Iā€™m glad youā€™re getting rest. :X

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In my life as a service tech, weā€™d send the newbs down to the truck to get the metric crescent wrench, or an 8/16 socket.


Yā€™all are cruel to the newbs. I like it.

SNOW!!! Yay! Well, only a couple inches yesterday, just enough to cover the grass. My dog is super-happy; she prances and dances in it, and will grab little mouthfuls every few steps. Itā€™ll probably stay on the ground until Wednesday, when it warms up to the mid 30s. The sidewalks and side streets are slippery, though I imagine theyā€™ll clear up today.


Robert Heinlein had a novel called The Door Into Summer, so named because in winter, the narratorā€™s cat insisted on having every one of the houseā€™s eleven doors/windows opened to prove that summer existed outside none of them.


Oh my, Iā€™m so sorry. Iā€™m glad youā€™re ok. Hugs to you and I hope you have a full and speedy recovery.

Same here. Itā€™s quite blustery as well. Looks like the lake effect snow machine is starting to ramp up.

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Hm. Read topics on the board have two different shades of gray on mobile, now.

Wonder if the lighter gray indicates that it was read but not on your current platform.

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Weā€™re getting lucky this year. The snow is east, south and west of us. You can say we are in our own little pocket of light drifting snow. Had to shovel about 2" to say that I did it (first real snowfall), even though we have a nice rig waiting in the outer garage.

In other news, finally had the water pump and electric shutoff installed. Had the heating people out a second time in a week to fix aā€¦ loose wire. We were our of heat in half the house for about a week. All these repairs in time for my b-day. Yahoo.

Happy travels all. Stay safe.


Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day. :birthday:


Quite. :wink:

Itā€™s a balmy 24 here, but with the 15 mph winds, it feels like 12. The wind chill is going to get down to 3 overnight. :cold_face:




Looks around, checks notes

Seems to be a lack of appropriate (or any, really) recipes lately.

Slow Cooker Chocolate Candy

2 lbs salted dry roasted peanuts
4 oz Germanā€™s Sweet Chocolate
12 oz semi sweet chocolate chips
2 1/2 lbs white almond bark

Put peanuts in bottom of slow cooker. Layer chocolate: Germanā€™s chocolate, semi sweet chocolate, almond bark. Cook on low without stirring for 3 - 3 1/2 hours (or until chocolate is soft).

After three hours, stir with wooden spoon. Drop into mini cupcake liners. Allow to cool.


Yeah, I have been slacking in the recipe department.

A couple nights this week I wanted something hot, but needed to use up hard boiled eggs, so I made something vaguely resembling ramen but much faster. Not quite a recipe:
Noodles and broth - one night I used real broth and some Japanese noodles I had; another night I used a package of Maruchan chicken ramen.
Meat - I used a bit of leftover rotisserie chicken that I had diced and frozen. Tonight I am out of chicken, might try bacon since I donā€™t have the kind of pork thatā€™s traditional. Or a chunk of leftover brisket.
Veg - I used frozen mixed veggies plus extra frozen corn.
Egg - I think traditionally theyā€™re marinated in something soy sauce based, but I didnā€™t bother.
Garnish - the restaurants around here add green onions, but I donā€™t like them much. I did add seaweed and sesame seeds.

Not remotely authentic, and even real chicken broth lacks depth compared to proper ramen broth, but it was quick and tasty and relatively healthy compared to some of the stuff I eat.