[CS LOUNGE] Pumpkin Spice, Apple Cider, and Everything Nice

thank you <3


Get well ASAP!


As promised


Well, still recuperating from Thanksgiving. Spent the day in bed ill from exhaustion, My niece and nephew came over to help, my nephew helped me clean and my niece cooked. I did make sure to get the turkey and ham in the oven though, about 5 everyone came over and had a good time with my dad.

Heheh, once my Pastor and Elders get wind of this, Iā€™m gonna get a lecture. Already got it from my best friend.


Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.

I hope you have a speedy recovery. :dracthyr_heart:



My Druid is of the opinion that Keen-Eyed Cian, does in fact, NOT EXIST. Just like that silly cake, it is also a lie. :laughing:

Getting these Marks to drop from the rares in Emerald Dream is not easy. My Druid just wants to look nice in the new forms. :frowning:

To add insult to injury, the game loves splitting my alts into different shards. Even when they are all same server and all in war mode. Gotta love seeing a rare my Druid needs on my Hunter and immediately switch to Druid and it is nowhere to be found. Even with them both at the exact same spot in game.


UPDATE: It does exist!

Of course, it is just as stingy as the other rares when it comes to dropping those Marks.

Back to farming more after reset.


me: how much does this red hot chili pepper weigh?
them: iā€™m not sureā€¦
me: well i guess i betterā€¦give it a weigh, give it a weigh, give it a weigh now.


Doctor who is live on disney+ and hi harlsoco.



Night Elf and Tauren Heritage sets knocked out.

Meiveā€™s voice is getting scratchy. The actress sounds like her voice is wearing out.

Nice to hear Cairnā€™s at the end of the Tauren chain. He doesnā€™t sound any different.


Well, yesterday sucked, I had a minor heart attack which put me in the hospital. Not a widowmaker, but just enough to scare the living poop out of me. In bed now right now, recuperating.


Yikes. Rest up; hopefully thatā€™s the last one.


I really hope youā€™re okay! Please, please take care of yourself TT.

Since July, Iā€™ve started down a path of taking better care of myself. Itā€™s a journey for sure, filled with obstacles, challenges, and dedication, but itā€™s been so worth it. Iā€™ve dropped 30lbs, and while itā€™s not been easy, Iā€™m very grateful that Iā€™ve taken these steps. Iā€™m 45, in college, and I feel like my life is just starting.

I may not actually have ever met any of the regulars here, but I truly do care about you all and want the best for everyone. Rest up TT.


I belong to a group on FB that been talking about harmless messing with seasonals or new hires there hilarious heres a few

I used to do something similar to new hires when I worked at papa Johnā€™s years back. Would send them to a local grocery store to go by a dough repair kit šŸ˜‚. Employees at the grocery store were in on it and send them all around the store looking for it.

Pro tip: tell a seasonal cart pusher that there is an employee switch under the back right side of the mobility scooters that make them go twice as fast to save them time, and see how long they look for it before they realize youā€™re messing with them.

Had a manager when I worked in grocery have the new kids ā€œfillā€ the water fountainā€¦one kid actually triedā€¦took a 5 gallon bucket and was pouring it ā€œinā€ down the drainā€¦ šŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µ

Sending wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

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I need to figure out a way to prove to Stormy that I truly cannot change the weather. I do not have the means to make it stop raining. Also, definitely cannot suddenly make it sunny and warm outside either.

He gets his fur all ruffled up every time it is raining and constantly fusses at me. He loves his time in the back (fenced) yard way too much.


Their first winter our kittens gave us dirty looks when they saw their first snow.

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Isnt there a gnomish weather machine for that avoid the goblin one those tend to go boom ask mr finnigan he tends to make things go boom.

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ā€¦ not gonna lie, I love it when plots thicken in real time.